DopplerHQ / kubernetes-operator

Apache License 2.0
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Add secret processors #11

Closed nmanoogian closed 3 years ago

nmanoogian commented 3 years ago

This feature allows users to configure their DopplerSecret object with "processors" to determine how the data is stored in Kubernetes.

The main motivation is to allow users to store secrets as Base64 in Doppler and load them as binary files in their deployments but I tried to design it to be generic to allow for more complex processors in the future.

For your testing convenience, I've pushed this image to nmanoogian/kubernetes-operator and wrapped that with a Helm chart. You can install with helm install --generate-name doppler-kubernetes-operator-processors.tgz. Unfortunately, Github won't let me upload a tarball so it's wrapped in a zip -- just decompress that first and then you can install the tar.

nmanoogian commented 3 years ago

Thanks y'all! I'm glad you're digging this solution.

@Piccirello I included this in the Loom I sent you but some of the code generated by Operator SDK is getting flagged by gosec. From what I can tell, we're not impacted. I think the best solution at this point would be to add a salus-config.yaml to ignore the specific CVE. What do you think?