Doraku / DefaultDocumentation

Create a simple markdown documentation from the Visual Studio xml one.
MIT No Attribution
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Missing extensions for api #98

Closed IdkGoodName closed 2 years ago

IdkGoodName commented 2 years ago

Extensions like AppendAsMarkdown, AppendLink, writer.GetCurrentItem are missing in DefaultDocumentation.Api package. You have to paste the code from DefaultDocumentation as of now.

IdkGoodName commented 2 years ago

As an addition, it would be nice if definition generation would also be made as an extension.

Doraku commented 2 years ago

It is actually deliberate, I wanted to keep the Api free of any markdown specifics and later publish the DefaultDocumentation.Markdown package for people to use if they wish to add features specifically for the markdown generation. The Api package could be used to generate extra format documentation (html, pdf, ...) without the markdown fluff. Sadly I have been quite busy with work lately and I will use the holidays for a nice break :D I hope to finish with this task at the start of next year. For the most part I think the Api package is quite clean, I am just having second though on the IGeneralContext.GetUrl methods.

Doraku commented 2 years ago

The big update is now live. I can prepare the DefaultDocumentation.Markdown project for publishing next :) I hope I won't take as long as for the api haha

IdkGoodName commented 2 years ago

Any updates?

Doraku commented 2 years ago

sorry for the huuuuge delay, lot of stuff happened in my professional & personal life so I didn't have much time. Now that things have calmed down a little (at least on the personal side haha) I should be able to get back to it. A lot of stuff people are asking rely on this so it'll be my main focus for now.