[ ] Filter by armor skills, gear pieces, defense, rank, etc.
[ ] Web Workers, memoization and parallelization.
[ ] Sets database: the searching algorithm starts by looking at a database of armor sets already stored. If no match is found, perform the main searching function. Alternatively, run both of these in parallel.
[ ] Filtering presets (LR, HR, Gou, Gou Premium, G Rank, G Rank Premium, Zenith, Zenith Premium, Endgame)
[ ] Allow custom items by giving a file with the item data. Can also replace the stats of existing items. State saved locally.
[ ] Time remaining progress bar.
[ ] Required materials to make the set.
[ ] Gear upgrade trees.
[ ] Onboarding tour.
[ ] Share links.
[ ] Settings: algorithm adjustments, etc.
[ ] Push notification when the first set is found.
[ ] Pausing and saving the current state of the search to resume in another session.
[ ] Rank the results by best elemental resistance, defense, skills, etc.
Is there an existing feature request for this?
Make an armor set searcher.
Key Concepts
Search Problem, Search Space, Search Algorithm, Web Workers, Parallel Processing, Asynchronous Programming (Async), Dynamic Programming (DP), Hash Maps, Backtracking, Heuristics, Heuristic Search, Pruning, Recursion, Data Preprocessing, Combination Search, Optimization Problem, Search Trees, Tree traversal, Combinatorial optimization algorithm, Genetic Algorithm.