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【文章推荐】Type Alias #667

Closed gaufung closed 2 weeks ago

gaufung commented 1 month ago

gaufung commented 4 weeks ago


这是 C# 新功能介绍的一系列文章,主要介绍了 Alias Any Type 的功能。不同于之前的功能介绍,这次作者按照一个具体的 demo 展示如何使用这个功能,大部分内容在 GlobalUsing.cs 文件中

// Ensures that all types within these namespaces are globally available.
global using Alias.AnyType;
global using Alias.AnyType.Extensions;
global using Alias.AnyType.ResponseModels;

// Expose all static members of math.
global using static System.Math;

// Alias a coordinates object.
global using Coordinates = (double Latitude, double Longitude);

// Alias representation of degrees-minutes-second (DMS).
global using DMS = (int Degree, int Minute, double Second);

// Alias representation of various distances in different units of measure.
global using Distance = (double Meters, double Kilometers, double Miles);

// Alias a stream of coordinates represented as an async enumerable.
global using CoordinateStream = System.Collections.Generic.IAsyncEnumerable<

// Alias the CTS, making it simply "Signal".
global using Signal = System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource;