DotNetAnalyzers / AsyncUsageAnalyzers

Now superseded by Microsoft/vs-threading
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Await inside usings. #54

Open JohanLarsson opened 7 years ago

JohanLarsson commented 7 years ago
using (var webClient = new WebClient())
    return webClient.DownloadStringTaskAsync(address);

We talked about this in chat, this can lead to situations where it is undefined if the IDisposable is disposed or not.

tugberkugurlu commented 7 years ago

This would be amazing to have but I imagine would be a bit hard to figure out.

AArnott commented 6 years ago

I think we could spec this as flagging when these conditions hold:

  1. The method does not use the async keyword in its signature.
  2. A return statement appears within a using block, with an expression that is an invocation
JohanLarsson commented 6 years ago

JohanLarsson commented 6 years ago

For 2 we probably want an exception for Task.FromResult()