Add documentation explaining how to access StyleCopAnalyzers code fixes using the StyleCopAnalyzers NuGet package via the command line, without using StyleCopTester or Visual Studio. (In case StyleCopTester fails to build or run for any reason, e.g., because it can't find the native library for LibGitSharp, which StyleCopTester apparently depends on, or because StyleCopTester depends on DispatcherSynchronizationContext, which is unimplemented in Mono.)
Currently there is no officially supported way to run code fixes from the command line. It's an active area of investigation for the dotnet/format project.
Add documentation explaining how to access StyleCopAnalyzers code fixes using the StyleCopAnalyzers NuGet package via the command line, without using StyleCopTester or Visual Studio. (In case StyleCopTester fails to build or run for any reason, e.g., because it can't find the native library for LibGitSharp, which StyleCopTester apparently depends on, or because StyleCopTester depends on DispatcherSynchronizationContext, which is unimplemented in Mono.)