DotNetNext / SqlSugar

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English language documentation? #1260

Closed aloksharma1 closed 1 day ago

aloksharma1 commented 4 days ago

Hello, i came here trying to find better alternatives for ef core and this looks promising. Problem is all documentation is in chinese, do you have a link for english translated documentation?


DotNetNext commented 4 days ago

Efforts in writing, source code DEMO is in English

aloksharma1 commented 3 days ago

Efforts in writing, source code DEMO is in English

thanks for the quick response, does your orm also supports runtime migrations. i want to add/modify/delete db tables & columns at runtime and reuse them dynamically with DynamicBuilder.

DotNetNext commented 3 days ago

1、Migration is run time db.CodeFirst.InitTables(Type[]) 2、Supports dynamic CRUD This piece is still in Chinese, and I will try to sort out the English ones later

Type[] types= typeof(class of any entity class).assembly.GetTypes()
.where (it=> it.fullname.contains ("OrmTest."))// Namespace filters, but you can also write other conditional filters
.ToArray();//Get in bulk types
DotNetNext commented 3 days ago

If there is no class, it can be created dynamically

var type = db.DynamicBuilder().CreateClass("table1", new SugarTable()
    .CreateProperty("Id", typeof(int),new SugarColumn() {IsPrimaryKey=true,IsIdentity=true })
    .CreateProperty("Name",typeof(string), new SugarColumn() { })

    var dic= new Dictionary<string, object>(){{"Id",1},{"Name","jack"} };        
    var value= db.DynamicBuilder().CreateObjectByType(type,dic);

    db.StorageableByObject(value).ExecuteCommand();//insert or update
DotNetNext commented 1 day ago

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