DoubangoTelecom / sipml5

The world's first HTML5 SIP client (WebRTC)
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sipml5 is not working in IPv6 environment with asterisk 13 #308

Open mohit-dhiman opened 6 years ago

mohit-dhiman commented 6 years ago

I am using Asterisk 13 and i am trying to dial an extension on asterisk server which playbacks an demo file. now i can hear the sound in case of IPv4 but not in case of IPv6. my asterisk is properly configured for IPv6 as

;sip.conf [general] bindport=5060 bindaddr=[::] rtptimeout=300 rtpholdtimeout=600 transport=udp disallow=all allow=alaw,ulaw

[1060] type=friend username=1060 secret=1060 host=dynamic encryption=yes avpf=yes icesupport=yes context=sipjs directmedia=no transport=udp,ws,wss force_avp=yes dtlsenable=yes dtlsverify=fingerprint dtlscertfile=/etc/asterisk/keys/asterisk.pem dtlssetup=actpass rtcp_mux=yes disallow=all allow=alaw,ulaw

;extensions.conf exten => 1061,1,Playback(demo-congrats)

;http.conf [general] enabled=yes bindaddr=[::] bindport=8088 tlsenable=yes tlsbindaddr=[::]:8089 tlscertfile=/etc/asterisk/keys/asterisk.pem

also asterisk is sending RTP stream from its side.