DoubangoTelecom / ultimateALPR-SDK

World's fastest ANPR / ALPR implementation for CPUs, GPUs, VPUs and NPUs using deep learning (Tensorflow, Tensorflow lite, TensorRT, OpenVX, OpenVINO). Multi-Charset (Latin, Korean, Chinese) & Multi-OS (Jetson, Android, Raspberry Pi, Linux, Windows) & Multi-Arch (ARM, x86).
615 stars 157 forks source link

Assertion Failed Error : ./recognizer --image /data/India_0009.jpg #67

Closed bhargavravat closed 4 years ago

bhargavravat commented 4 years ago

Hi @DoubangoTelecom :

I am trying to run precompiled binaries on my _x8664 Linux system.

I am in to this directory : _/data/ultimateALPR-SDK/binaries/linux/x8664 And using command : _./recognizer --image /data/India0009.jpg

Attached image screen shot is the output which I am getting.

Would be glad if you can help me out resolve the issue.


bhargavravat commented 4 years ago

This is the exact log on running the command :

[ULTALPR_SDK INFO]: Starting recognizer... [COMPV INFO]: [UltAlprSdkEngine] Call: init [COMPV INFO]: [UltAlprSdkEngine] jsonConfig: {"debug_level": "info","debug_write_input_image_enabled": false,"debug_internal_data_path": ".","num_threads": -1,"gpgpu_enabled": true,"detect_roi": [0, 0, 0, 0],"detect_minscore": 0.1,"pyramidal_search_enabled": true,"pyramidal_search_sensitivity": 0.28,"pyramidal_search_minscore": 0.3,"pyramidal_search_min_image_size_inpixels": 800,"recogn_minscore": 0.3,"recogn_score_type": "min","charset": "latin","recogn_rectify_enabled": false} [COMPV INFO]: /!\ Code in file '/home/ultimate/ultimateALPR/SDK_dev/lib/source/ultimate_alpr_sdk_public_engine.cxx' in function 'init' starting at line #77: Not optimized -> Code not built for mobile devices but for clouds. Are you sure this is what you want? *[COMPV INFO]: [UltAlprSdkEngine] Copyright (C) 2011-2020 Doubango Telecom ultimateALPR-SDK version 2.8.1

[COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] Initializing [base] modules (v 1.0.0, nt -1)... [COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] sizeof(compv_scalar_t)= #8 [COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] sizeof(float)= #4 [COMPV INFO]: Initializing window registery [COMPV INFO]: [ImageDecoder] Initializing image decoder... [COMPV INFO]: [CompVCpu] Hardware: 'GenuineIntel', Serial: '', Model: '58', ModelName: 'Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3320M CPU @ 2.60GHz' [COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] CPU features: (intel);[x86];[x64];mmx;sse;sse2;sse3;ssse3;sse41;sse42;avx;erms;popcnt;cmov;aes;rdrand; [COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] CPU cores: #4 [COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] CPU cache1: line size: #64B, size :#32KB [COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] CPU Phys RAM size: #3670GB [COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] CPU endianness: LITTLE [COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] Binary type: X86_64 [COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] Intrinsic enabled [COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] Assembler enabled [COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] Code built with option /arch:SSE [COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] Code built with option /arch:SSE2 [COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] Math Fast Trig.: true [COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] Math Fixed Point: true [COMPV INFO]: [CompVMathExp] Init [COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] Default alignment: #64 [COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] Best alignment: #64 [COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] Heap limit: #262144KB (#256MB) [COMPV INFO]: [CompVParallel] Initializing [parallel] module... [COMPV INFO]: /!\ Code in file '/home/ultimate/compv/base/compv_mem.cxx' in function 'CompVMemZero_C' starting at line #501: Not optimized -> No SIMD implementation found [COMPV INFO]: [CompVAsyncTask11] run(coreId:requested=0,set=useless, threadId:0x7fbbd5bee700, kThreadSetAffinity:false) - ENTER [COMPV INFO]: [CompVAsyncTask11] run(coreId:requested=1,set=useless, threadId:0x7fbbd53ed700, kThreadSetAffinity:false) - ENTER [COMPV INFO]: [CompVThreadDispatcher] Thread dispatcher created with #4 threads/#4 cores [COMPV INFO]: [CompVParallel] [Parallel] module initialized [COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] [Base] modules initialized [COMPV INFO]: [CompVAsyncTask11] run(coreId:requested=2,set=useless, threadId:0x7fbbd4bec700, kThreadSetAffinity:false) - ENTER [COMPV INFO]: [CompVAsyncTask11] run(coreId:requested=3,set=useless, threadId:0x7fbbd43eb700, kThreadSetAffinity:false) - ENTER [COMPV INFO]: [CompVCore] Initializing [core] module (v 1.0.0)... [COMPV INFO]: [CompVFeature] Registering feature factory with id = 1 and name = 'FAST (Features from Accelerated Segment Test)'... [COMPV INFO]: [CompVFeature] Registering feature factory with id = 8 and name = 'ORB (Oriented FAST and Rotated BRIEF)'... [COMPV INFO]: [CompVFeature] Registering feature factory with id = 27 and name = 'Sobel edge detector'... [COMPV INFO]: [CompVFeature] Registering feature factory with id = 28 and name = 'Scharr edge detector'... [COMPV INFO]: [CompVFeature] Registering feature factory with id = 29 and name = 'Prewitt edge detector'... [COMPV INFO]: [CompVFeature] Registering feature factory with id = 20 and name = 'Canny edge detector'... [COMPV INFO]: [CompVFeature] Registering feature factory with id = 30 and name = 'Hough standard (STD)'... [COMPV INFO]: [CompVFeature] Registering feature factory with id = 31 and name = 'Kernel-based Hough transform (KHT)'... [COMPV INFO]: [CompVFeature] Registering feature factory with id = 41 and name = 'Standard Histogram of oriented gradients (S-HOG)'... [COMPV INFO]: [CompVMatcher] Registering matcher factory with id = 0 and name = 'Brute force matcher'... [COMPV INFO]: [CompVConnectedComponentLabeling] Registering connected component labeling factory with id = 1 and name = 'PLSL (Parallel Light Speed Labeling)'... [COMPV INFO]: [CompVConnectedComponentLabeling] Registering connected component labeling factory with id = 19 and name = 'LMSER (Linear Time Maximally Stable Extremal Regions)'... [COMPV INFO]: [CompVGL] Initializing [gl] module (v 1.0.0)... [COMPV INFO]: [CompVGL] GL module initialized [COMPV INFO]: [CompVGpu] Initializing [gpu] module (v 1.0.0)... [COMPV INFO]: [CompVCamera] Initializing [camera] module (v 1.0.0)... [COMPV INFO]: [CompVDrawing] Initializing [drawing] module (v 1.0.0)... [COMPV INFO]: [CompVDrawing] /!\ No jpeg decoder found [COMPV INFO]: [CompVDrawing] Drawing module initialized [COMPV INFO]: [CompVGpu] GPU enabled: true [COMPV INFO]: /!\ Code in file '/home/ultimate/ultimateBase/lib/source/ultimate_base_engine.cxx' in function 'init' starting at line #39: Not optimized for GPU -> GPGPU computing not enabled or deactivated [COMPV INFO]: [UltBaseOpenCL] Trying to load [] [COMPV INFO]: [UltBaseOpenCL] Failed to load [] [COMPV INFO]: [UltAlprSdkEnginePrivate] Copyright (C) 2011-2020 Doubango Telecom You're using an unlicensed version of ultimateALPR-SDK without the rights to include the SDK in any form of commercial product. [COMPV INFO]: [CompVCpu] Enabling asm code [COMPV INFO]: [CompVCpu] Enabling intrinsic code *[COMPV INFO]: [UltAlprSdkEnginePrivate] recogn_tf_num_threads: 4 [COMPV ERROR]: function: "newObj()" file: "/home/ultimate/ultimateOCR/lib/source/ultimate_ocr_charset.cxx" line: "58" message: [UltOcrCharset] Charset file at C:/Projects/GitHub/ultimate/ultimateALPR/charset_anpr_latin_size=37.txt -> /data/ultimateALPR-SDK/binaries/linux/x86_64/charset_anpr_latin_size=37.txt doesn't exist [COMPV ERROR]: function: "newObj()" file: "/home/ultimate/ultimateOCR/lib/source/ultimate_ocr_recognizer.cxx" line: "637" message: Operation Failed (COMPV_ERROR_CODE_E_FILE_NOT_FOUND) -> [COMPV ERROR]: function: "newObj()" file: "/home/ultimate/ultimateALPR/lib/source/ultimate_alpr_recognizer.cxx" line: "165" message: Operation Failed (COMPV_ERROR_CODE_E_FILE_NOT_FOUND) -> [COMPV ERROR]: function: "newObj()" file: "/home/ultimate/ultimateALPR/SDK_dev/lib/source/ultimate_alpr_sdk_recognizer.cxx" line: "167" message: Operation Failed (COMPV_ERROR_CODE_E_FILE_NOT_FOUND) -> Failed to create Alpr recognizer [COMPV ERROR]: function: "init()" file: "/home/ultimate/ultimateALPR/SDK_dev/lib/source/ultimate_alpr_sdk_private_engine.cxx" line: "260" message: Operation Failed (COMPV_ERROR_CODE_E_FILE_NOT_FOUND) -> [COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] DeInitializing base modules (v 1.0.0)... [COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] Base modules deinitialized [COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] DeInitializing base modules (v 1.0.0)... [COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] Base modules deinitialized [COMPV INFO]: Drawing module deinitialized [COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] DeInitializing base modules (v 1.0.0)... [COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] Base modules deinitialized [COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] DeInitializing base modules (v 1.0.0)... [COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] Base modules deinitialized [COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] DeInitializing base modules (v 1.0.0)... [COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] Base modules deinitialized [COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] DeInitializing base modules (v 1.0.0)... [COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] Base modules deinitialized [COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] DeInitializing base modules (v 1.0.0)... [COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] Base modules deinitialized [COMPV INFO]: [Thread] Thread with id=0x7fbbd5bee700 will join [COMPV INFO]: [CompVAsyncTask11] run(threadId:0x7fbbd5bee700) - EXIT [COMPV INFO]: Thread with id=0x7fbbd5bee700 will join [COMPV INFO]: [Thread] **Thread with id=0x7fbbd5bee700 destroyed [COMPV INFO]: [CompVAsyncTask11] run(threadId:0x7fbbd53ed700) - EXIT [COMPV INFO]: [Thread] Thread with id=0x7fbbd53ed700 will join [COMPV INFO]: Thread with id=0x7fbbd53ed700 will join [COMPV INFO]: [Thread] Thread with id=0x7fbbd53ed700 destroyed [COMPV INFO]: [Thread] Thread with id=0x7fbbd4bec700 will join [COMPV INFO]: [CompVAsyncTask11] run(threadId:0x7fbbd4bec700) - EXIT [COMPV INFO]: Thread with id=0x7fbbd4bec700 will join [COMPV INFO]: [Thread] Thread with id=0x7fbbd4bec700 destroyed [COMPV INFO]: [CompVAsyncTask11] run(threadId:0x7fbbd43eb700) - EXIT [COMPV INFO]: [Thread] Thread with id=0x7fbbd43eb700 will join [COMPV INFO]: Thread with id=0x7fbbd43eb700 will join [COMPV INFO]: [Thread] Thread with id=0x7fbbd43eb700 destroyed *[COMPV ERROR]: function: "init()" file: "/home/ultimate/ultimateALPR/SDK_dev/lib/source/ultimate_alpr_sdk_public_engine.cxx" line: "126" message: Operation Failed (COMPV_ERROR_CODE_E_FILE_NOT_FOUND) -> Failed to initialize the engine *[ULTALPR_SDK FATAL]: function: "main()" file: "/home/ultimate/ultimateALPR/SDK_dist/samples/c++/recognizer/recognizer.cxx" line: "183" message: Assertion failed! Aborted (core dumped) root@dd595e18c4d2:/data/ultimateALPR-SDK/binaries/linux/x86_64# root@dd595e18c4d2:/data/ultimateALPR-SDK/binaries/linux/x86_64# ./recognizer --image /data/StatewiseDataSet/Jammu/Jammu_0001.jpg [ULTALPR_SDK INFO]: Starting recognizer... [COMPV INFO]: [UltAlprSdkEngine] Call: init [COMPV INFO]: [UltAlprSdkEngine] jsonConfig: {"debug_level": "info","debug_write_input_image_enabled": false,"debug_internal_data_path": ".","num_threads": -1,"gpgpu_enabled": true,"detect_roi": [0, 0, 0, 0],"detect_minscore": 0.1,"pyramidal_search_enabled": true,"pyramidal_search_sensitivity": 0.28,"pyramidal_search_minscore": 0.3,"pyramidal_search_min_image_size_inpixels": 800,"recogn_minscore": 0.3,"recogn_score_type": "min","charset": "latin","recogn_rectify_enabled": false} [COMPV INFO]: /!\ Code in file '/home/ultimate/ultimateALPR/SDK_dev/lib/source/ultimate_alpr_sdk_public_engine.cxx' in function 'init' starting at line #77: Not optimized -> Code not built for mobile devices but for clouds. Are you sure this is what you want? [COMPV INFO]: [UltAlprSdkEngine] Copyright (C) 2011-2020 Doubango Telecom **** ultimateALPR-SDK version 2.8.1

[COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] Initializing [base] modules (v 1.0.0, nt -1)... [COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] sizeof(compv_scalar_t)= #8 [COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] sizeof(float)= #4 [COMPV INFO]: Initializing window registery [COMPV INFO]: [ImageDecoder] Initializing image decoder... [COMPV INFO]: [CompVCpu] Hardware: 'GenuineIntel', Serial: '', Model: '58', ModelName: 'Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3320M CPU @ 2.60GHz' [COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] CPU features: (intel);[x86];[x64];mmx;sse;sse2;sse3;ssse3;sse41;sse42;avx;erms;popcnt;cmov;aes;rdrand; [COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] CPU cores: #4 [COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] CPU cache1: line size: #64B, size :#32KB [COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] CPU Phys RAM size: #3670GB [COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] CPU endianness: LITTLE [COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] Binary type: X86_64 [COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] Intrinsic enabled [COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] Assembler enabled [COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] Code built with option /arch:SSE [COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] Code built with option /arch:SSE2 [COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] Math Fast Trig.: true [COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] Math Fixed Point: true [COMPV INFO]: [CompVMathExp] Init [COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] Default alignment: #64 [COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] Best alignment: #64 [COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] Heap limit: #262144KB (#256MB) [COMPV INFO]: [CompVParallel] Initializing [parallel] module... [COMPV INFO]: /!\ Code in file '/home/ultimate/compv/base/compv_mem.cxx' in function 'CompVMemZero_C' starting at line #501: Not optimized -> No SIMD implementation found [COMPV INFO]: [CompVAsyncTask11] run(coreId:requested=0,set=useless, threadId:0x7fd8e4c96700, kThreadSetAffinity:false) - ENTER [COMPV INFO]: [CompVAsyncTask11] run(coreId:requested=1,set=useless, threadId:0x7fd8e4495700, kThreadSetAffinity:false) - ENTER [COMPV INFO]: [CompVAsyncTask11] run(coreId:requested=2,set=useless, threadId:0x7fd8e3c94700, kThreadSetAffinity:false) - ENTER [COMPV INFO]: [CompVThreadDispatcher] Thread dispatcher created with #4 threads/#4 cores [COMPV INFO]: [CompVParallel] [Parallel] module initialized [COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] [Base] modules initialized [COMPV INFO]: [CompVCore] Initializing [core] module (v 1.0.0)... [COMPV INFO]: [CompVAsyncTask11] run(coreId:requested=3,set=useless, threadId:0x7fd8e3493700, kThreadSetAffinity:false) - ENTER [COMPV INFO]: [CompVFeature] Registering feature factory with id = 1 and name = 'FAST (Features from Accelerated Segment Test)'... [COMPV INFO]: [CompVFeature] Registering feature factory with id = 8 and name = 'ORB (Oriented FAST and Rotated BRIEF)'... [COMPV INFO]: [CompVFeature] Registering feature factory with id = 27 and name = 'Sobel edge detector'... [COMPV INFO]: [CompVFeature] Registering feature factory with id = 28 and name = 'Scharr edge detector'... [COMPV INFO]: [CompVFeature] Registering feature factory with id = 29 and name = 'Prewitt edge detector'... [COMPV INFO]: [CompVFeature] Registering feature factory with id = 20 and name = 'Canny edge detector'... [COMPV INFO]: [CompVFeature] Registering feature factory with id = 30 and name = 'Hough standard (STD)'... [COMPV INFO]: [CompVFeature] Registering feature factory with id = 31 and name = 'Kernel-based Hough transform (KHT)'... [COMPV INFO]: [CompVFeature] Registering feature factory with id = 41 and name = 'Standard Histogram of oriented gradients (S-HOG)'... [COMPV INFO]: [CompVMatcher] Registering matcher factory with id = 0 and name = 'Brute force matcher'... [COMPV INFO]: [CompVConnectedComponentLabeling] Registering connected component labeling factory with id = 1 and name = 'PLSL (Parallel Light Speed Labeling)'... [COMPV INFO]: [CompVConnectedComponentLabeling] Registering connected component labeling factory with id = 19 and name = 'LMSER (Linear Time Maximally Stable Extremal Regions)'... [COMPV INFO]: [CompVGL] Initializing [gl] module (v 1.0.0)... [COMPV INFO]: [CompVGL] GL module initialized [COMPV INFO]: [CompVGpu] Initializing [gpu] module (v 1.0.0)... [COMPV INFO]: [CompVCamera] Initializing [camera] module (v 1.0.0)... [COMPV INFO]: [CompVDrawing] Initializing [drawing] module (v 1.0.0)... [COMPV INFO]: [CompVDrawing] /!\ No jpeg decoder found [COMPV INFO]: [CompVDrawing] Drawing module initialized [COMPV INFO]: [CompVGpu] GPU enabled: true [COMPV INFO]: /!\ Code in file '/home/ultimate/ultimateBase/lib/source/ultimate_base_engine.cxx' in function 'init' starting at line #39: Not optimized for GPU -> GPGPU computing not enabled or deactivated [COMPV INFO]: [UltBaseOpenCL] Trying to load [] [COMPV INFO]: [UltBaseOpenCL] Failed to load [] [COMPV INFO]: [UltAlprSdkEnginePrivate] Copyright (C) 2011-2020 Doubango Telecom You're using an unlicensed version of ultimateALPR-SDK without the rights to include the SDK in any form of commercial product. [COMPV INFO]: [CompVCpu] Enabling asm code [COMPV INFO]: [CompVCpu] Enabling intrinsic code *[COMPV INFO]: [UltAlprSdkEnginePrivate] recogn_tf_num_threads: 4 [COMPV ERROR]: function: "newObj()" file: "/home/ultimate/ultimateOCR/lib/source/ultimate_ocr_charset.cxx" line: "58" message: [UltOcrCharset] Charset file at C:/Projects/GitHub/ultimate/ultimateALPR/charset_anpr_latin_size=37.txt -> /data/ultimateALPR-SDK/binaries/linux/x86_64/charset_anpr_latin_size=37.txt doesn't exist [COMPV ERROR]: function: "newObj()" file: "/home/ultimate/ultimateOCR/lib/source/ultimate_ocr_recognizer.cxx" line: "637" message: Operation Failed (COMPV_ERROR_CODE_E_FILE_NOT_FOUND) -> [COMPV ERROR]: function: "newObj()" file: "/home/ultimate/ultimateALPR/lib/source/ultimate_alpr_recognizer.cxx" line: "165" message: Operation Failed (COMPV_ERROR_CODE_E_FILE_NOT_FOUND) -> [COMPV ERROR]: function: "newObj()" file: "/home/ultimate/ultimateALPR/SDK_dev/lib/source/ultimate_alpr_sdk_recognizer.cxx" line: "167" message: Operation Failed (COMPV_ERROR_CODE_E_FILE_NOT_FOUND) -> Failed to create Alpr recognizer [COMPV ERROR]: function: "init()" file: "/home/ultimate/ultimateALPR/SDK_dev/lib/source/ultimate_alpr_sdk_private_engine.cxx" line: "260" message: Operation Failed (COMPV_ERROR_CODE_E_FILE_NOT_FOUND) -> [COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] DeInitializing base modules (v 1.0.0)... [COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] Base modules deinitialized [COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] DeInitializing base modules (v 1.0.0)... [COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] Base modules deinitialized [COMPV INFO]: Drawing module deinitialized [COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] DeInitializing base modules (v 1.0.0)... [COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] Base modules deinitialized [COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] DeInitializing base modules (v 1.0.0)... [COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] Base modules deinitialized [COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] DeInitializing base modules (v 1.0.0)... [COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] Base modules deinitialized [COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] DeInitializing base modules (v 1.0.0)... [COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] Base modules deinitialized [COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] DeInitializing base modules (v 1.0.0)... [COMPV INFO]: [CompVBase] Base modules deinitialized [COMPV INFO]: [Thread] Thread with id=0x7fd8e4c96700 will join [COMPV INFO]: [CompVAsyncTask11] run(threadId:0x7fd8e4c96700) - EXIT [COMPV INFO]: Thread with id=0x7fd8e4c96700 will join [COMPV INFO]: [Thread] **Thread with id=0x7fd8e4c96700 destroyed [COMPV INFO]: [Thread] Thread with id=0x7fd8e4495700 will join [COMPV INFO]: [CompVAsyncTask11] run(threadId:0x7fd8e4495700) - EXIT [COMPV INFO]: Thread with id=0x7fd8e4495700 will join [COMPV INFO]: [Thread] Thread with id=0x7fd8e4495700 destroyed [COMPV INFO]: [Thread] Thread with id=0x7fd8e3c94700 will join [COMPV INFO]: [CompVAsyncTask11] run(threadId:0x7fd8e3c94700) - EXIT [COMPV INFO]: Thread with id=0x7fd8e3c94700 will join [COMPV INFO]: [Thread] Thread with id=0x7fd8e3c94700 destroyed [COMPV INFO]: [Thread] Thread with id=0x7fd8e3493700 will join [COMPV INFO]: [CompVAsyncTask11] run(threadId:0x7fd8e3493700) - EXIT [COMPV INFO]: Thread with id=0x7fd8e3493700 will join [COMPV INFO]: [Thread] Thread with id=0x7fd8e3493700 destroyed *[COMPV ERROR]: function: "init()" file: "/home/ultimate/ultimateALPR/SDK_dev/lib/source/ultimate_alpr_sdk_public_engine.cxx" line: "126" message: Operation Failed (COMPV_ERROR_CODE_E_FILE_NOT_FOUND) -> Failed to initialize the engine **[ULTALPR_SDK FATAL]: function: "main()" file: "/home/ultimate/ultimateALPR/SDK_dist/samples/c++/recognizer/recognizer.cxx" line: "183" message: Assertion failed! Aborted (core dumped)

DoubangoTelecom commented 4 years ago

Add --assets option as explained at

./recognizer  --image /data/India_0009.jpg  --assets ../../../assets