Double-Fine-Game-Club / bad-golf-community-edition

A community developed version of Patrick Hackett's Bad Golf Amnesia Fortnight pitch!
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In-game Music #10

Open Cheeseness opened 10 years ago

Cheeseness commented 10 years ago

We'll want some music to play during the game itself. This may consist of one or more tracks.

Patrick's pitch videos for Bad Golf suggest that he had a metal type tone in mind.

Music should be contributed in 44.1KHz WAV files, named with a level_ prefix. Feel free to include your github user name, eg: level_<username>_funky-metal-track.wav. Please avoid spaces in file names.

Since we'll hopefully be cycling through a selection of in-game tracks, these aren't likely to be looping.

elneilios commented 10 years ago

A silly track I made for a joke competition, the style may fit with the premise of Bad Golf though?

Cheeseness commented 10 years ago

Thanks @elneilios! If you're comfortable with CC BY-NC as described in the Contribution Guidelines page, I can get this added to the assets repository for you.

Anybody got any feedback on the track?

elneilios commented 10 years ago

I had already licensed it as CC-BY-NC-ND but I've now removed the ND requirement so it falls in line with the project guidelines

Cheeseness commented 10 years ago

Great! Any chance of a download URL that doesn't require a login (or if you're comfortable with git/github, feel free to open a pull requests against the asset sources repo )?

JenniBee commented 10 years ago

I made a rough cut of some in-game music. I don't know if my website's server can handle the load of such a large file, so I created a pull request for it here:

Cheeseness commented 10 years ago

Awesome. That's merged now.

elneilios commented 10 years ago

Very rough, an idea i came up with this avo:

Cheeseness commented 10 years ago

Neat. Would love to see you take this further :D

Pjaaryna commented 10 years ago

Here is a quick demo I pulled together. Is this too jolly for Bad Golf or should I try to make real version out of this?

Cheeseness commented 10 years ago

It's pretty bouncy, but all contributions are welcome! Where would you consider taking it if you made a "real version" out of it?

Pjaaryna commented 10 years ago

I would redo the synths with my analog ones. I would make it grow from just drums to melody step by step. And would think another part also. I try to rethink the melody so it's not so distracting.

Cheeseness commented 10 years ago

Great! Take it as far as you want to. In the meantime, feel free to give us 44.1KHz WAV files of work-in-progress stuff if you like, and we can pop them in our asset sources repository :)

thegsm commented 10 years ago

Okay great musicians, listen up! I've added an implementation that plays one of the title screen music scores each time it is displayed. Currently it's randomized, we may change this behavior in the future.

So whatever is your take, be it metal, country, opera, or any other style and combination you see fit, submit your music.

thegsm commented 10 years ago

One more note. Please ensure to name your tracks with a prefix so it's easy for us to place them in. For title start with title for level start with level

If you have any questions or comments, drop a note in issue #161

Edit: also make sure the name afterwards is unique, so either name your work or more simply add your github username right after the first prefix (like tite__metal)

Pjaaryna commented 10 years ago

Here is my Golf or Die -track for level. Hope it's in right format.

GitMusic-zz commented 10 years ago

This is an off-the-wall track for an off-the-wall game. It uses some instruments you'd hear played in a golf country club combined (mostly) with the high-energy rock/metal in the Bad Golf 2 trailer.... and then it goes further.

Cheeseness, if you have any suggestions for edits to make it better suit the gameplay, by all means go ahead.

GitMusic-zz commented 10 years ago

There's too much material for a single composition here. I'm going to focus the track and develop a melody based on the first 3 sections of the composition and get it back to you.

Cheeseness commented 10 years ago


Belgerum commented 10 years ago

I'm unsure as to whether game music is still needed or not, and what might need to be done, but I'm willing to participate if I'm needed. Made a small loop, if you need that sort of thing:;_Balls.wav

Cheeseness commented 10 years ago

@GitMusic How did you go with your track? We can throw what you have there up into the repo if you like (apologies for not getting you any feedback)?

@Belgerum We don't need in-game tracks to loop as we're planning to cycle through a collection of tracks (I've just updated the issue description to mention that). We're currently fading between track transitions, so it shouldn't matter either way. I'll get your track added to the asset sources repository!

GitMusic-zz commented 10 years ago

I'll post a link to the gameplay music in the next 24 hours.

Cheeseness commented 10 years ago


GitMusic-zz commented 10 years ago

I'm calling this "Gameplay Music (Heavy)". I'll post one more in the next 24 hours that's less metal, more spastic golf country club.

GitMusic-zz commented 10 years ago

Here's the other composition, "Crazy Country Club".

GitMusic-zz commented 9 years ago

Hey Cheeseness, Did those two tracks I uploaded get added?

Cheeseness commented 9 years ago

Oh whoops! It seems that these didn't make their way into the assets repo. Let me get that sorted.

Eidt: There we go! Double-Fine-Game-Club/bad-golf-community-edition-assets@e5f8c530da2a5f40f60eef29a261201a03e6d7df