Double-Fine-Game-Club / bad-golf-community-edition

A community developed version of Patrick Hackett's Bad Golf Amnesia Fortnight pitch!
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Player Model #1

Closed Cheeseness closed 10 years ago

Cheeseness commented 10 years ago

We need a rigged and textured player model suitable for sitting in a golf cart and taking a swing.

So far in IRC, we've discussed the idea of making it a caricature of Patrick, and Taekon has done a couple of bits of concept art.

Placeholders are welcome



Taekon commented 10 years ago

(Cheese you're so slow)

@DMann3D I think the poly limit is undecided at the moment. The style is quite simplistic and cartoony so I don't think there'll be a lot of details anyway. I have the Erik's Lil' Patrick .obj files here if you'd like to take a look for reference:

Other than the character models, you could also do your own take on the cart or course obstacles!

Cheeseness commented 10 years ago

Our current Patrick model is 1143 polys (2168 tris). We haven't really settled on a limit, but we are looking at upping the resolution a bit.

If I were to take a super abitrary stab at an upper limit for consistency based on our current look and feel, I'd say don't go above 2,000.

So long as we can get by with the same rig, anything should be fine for at least getting it into the game.

DMann3D commented 10 years ago

Great! I didn't think polycount would be anything excessive, just wanted to confirm! :D So when you say don't go above 2K, you mean triangles, or polys overall? If you mean 2000 polys (quads and tris) that'd mean ~4000 triangles to the engine-- which wouldn't be bad at all, that's basically what most smartphones can handle nowadays.

Cheeseness commented 10 years ago

If you mean 2000 polys

Oh yes, that was meant to be polycount sorry ^_^

DMann3D commented 10 years ago

No worries! Thanks again! :grin:

ChrAfonso commented 10 years ago

Hey @DMann3D, welcome aboard! As I'm currently working on animating my own Brad head model as well as Taekon's/Erik's Patrick head, I'd also like to chime in a bit about the current state of the faces :). The current Brad head (still in progress) contains 817 face/1633 tris: brad7_mesh (including glasses)

The Patrick head I'm working on is essentially the same as the one Erik posted near the top of this thread, I just added very little geometry in the mouth region, mainly to carve it out for opening it ;). I think (as the three test pics a few posts above show) that it would be wise to add some more detail around the mouth at least, to reduce creasing.

Regarding animations (also see issue #59), the current state is this: the "Head" (sub)mesh contains two BlendShapes (in addition to the base one, which in my setup is listed separately in Blender, but only implied in Unity) named "Happy" and "Angry". in Assets/scripts/animation I put a test script "FaceState" which, applied to the Head, currently lets you toggle the shapes via F/G key, and may or may not (depending on the current git integration state, have to sort out the repo restructuring...) already contain a SetFaceExpression() function via which these shapes can be triggered from outside. It would be great if all heads contain poses with the same names, so they can be used generically for all players :) Disclaimer as always: I'm in a learning-by-doing mode here, so if you have suggestions for improvements, let them come!

I'm looking forward to seeing your upcoming work, I hope we get everything integrated nicely :)

Taekon commented 10 years ago

Red player model texture for Erik:

concept_player body_1

JenniBee commented 10 years ago

Here's some alternate views for the Tim concept:

Views of Tim

@DMann3D It will be great to see what you come up with. Let me know if you need any more reference material for a Tim model, and I'll be happy to help. :)

Here's the Tim concept in color:

Tim in Color

Taekon commented 10 years ago

Retouched texture ready for some dynamic colour-changing:

I also changed the pants' pattern so I made a new base texture as well:

concept_player body_2

Colour combinations:

(Colour combiniation





Taekon commented 10 years ago




Black and white:

Cheeseness commented 10 years ago

Awesome stuff! :D

Taekon commented 10 years ago

A quick Dave Gardner head ref. The hair could just be blocky :D. Except for the front fluff, maybe some spikes on that one!


DMann3D commented 10 years ago

NIce one, Taekon!

Meanwhile, here's a WIP of Anna's head with vertex colors. Needs UV layout/textures/skinning/Blendshapes, but all that'll be done tomorrow. annawip

Cheeseness commented 10 years ago

@Taekon, that's fantastic :D

When you're ready, @DMann3D, feel free to make a pull request to the assets repo or give us a link to your source files so we can put them there. Assets to go into the game should be in OBJ or FBX format.

KorStonesword commented 10 years ago

Here's the finished concept art for Tim, getting started on modeling now. (couldn't figure out how to attach image itself, when I dragged and dropped it just continuously said Uploading...)

DMann3D commented 10 years ago

Nice one Kor. If I may suggest ,when modeling around areas like the mouth (especially the mouth) try to create a few continuous edgeloops. This'll make for better deformation when we get the facial expressions/blendshapes set up.

For Anna, I made separate geo for the eyebrows and eyes. This will help reduce overall polycount and improve the deformations. We also won't have to worry about texture stretching or pixelation.

This is a good guide/reference:

KorStonesword commented 10 years ago

I'm still pretty new to modeling, so it's fine if you can't use this (good practice :P) but here is the finished head model, I can't texture so it's lacking in a face and hair texture. <-pic Here is the .blend file: (it refused to let me export to .fbx for some reason, it just said 'scale to fix' even though I scaled it many times trying to export it)

Cheeseness commented 10 years ago

@KorStonesword Some feedback on your face - have you considered giving it some more depth? I spotted on the forums that you were attempting to rely on subdivision modifiers to sort that out. You might have more success with creating more vertical loops and manually pulling the face proportions out to where you want them to be.

Good to see you picking up Blender and learning :)

ChrAfonso commented 10 years ago

Just did these concepts tonight, planning to model them up next week: hosts_concept

DMann3D commented 10 years ago

I'm digging those proportions, @ChrAfonso!

Also wanted to add, if anyone wants a head in Taekon's art style for size or style reference, here's a Dropbox link to my Anna head:

The UVs are laid out and everything, you'd just need to push/pull verts to get the shapes that you want for the character you're working on. Also if anyone ever has questions or needs help with doing character work, feel free to drop me a line, I'd be happy to help where I can!

Goldenheaven commented 10 years ago

If Some would do something nice for me and get a heads up on me as a model, you can check my facebook page for pictures. If you still cant see them throw a friend request :P

DMann3D commented 10 years ago

Here's Anna: annawip02

Hope you like!

DMann3D commented 10 years ago

Here's a quick WIP of Dave, untextured. I'm tired, will texture and get blendshapes in tomorrow after work.


Cheeseness commented 10 years ago

As mentioned earlier, I'm closing this issue now to tidy things up. Once we've got a standard way for getting additional heads into the game ( #192 ), I'll open up another issue for multiple heads. In the meantime, everybody can continue commenting and working here.

fierydrake commented 10 years ago

Working on a raz model. Not there yet... raz2inprogress2

Bit too many polys atm to match the other heads. Hopefully it wont be too hard to cartoonify.

Cheeseness commented 10 years ago

Great work, @fierydrake!

DMann3D commented 10 years ago

Niceone @fierydrake ! I like the hair so far. Be sure to check your edgeloops, though, for best deformation. Here's a good reference:

DMann3D commented 10 years ago



Hope that does him justice ;)

KorStonesword commented 10 years ago

Finished my Tim model! Hope you like! Also here is the links to the download for the .blend and .fbx file

fierydrake commented 10 years ago

Update (with reduced polys): raz-untextured-low-poly-4up

KorStonesword commented 10 years ago

Smoothed out my Tim model

.blend: .fbx: .

fierydrake commented 10 years ago


Cheeseness commented 10 years ago

@ErikBehar's female body model (along with @DMann3D's Anna head) referenced from an earlier pull request to the assets repo looks something like this

fierydrake commented 10 years ago

Eyes and eyebrows textures, and "angry" blendshape: raz-20140312-1238

ChrAfonso commented 10 years ago

Looks awesome! :)