Double-Fine-Game-Club / forum-downtime-funtime-adventure

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Dialog between Frontiersman (the villain) and Lemming Woman (the player character) #15

Open JenniBee opened 8 years ago

JenniBee commented 8 years ago

Since we're going into the game design now that the skeleton engine is up, and the most of the basics of the story have been settled, it's time to get into the nitty gritty.

We have our villain - Frontiersman. Our hero (since we're going comedy, would everyone be alright with a superhero spoof for the hero - it would be best to do one that's not super-powered so that the trap is a huge threat - maybe Lemming Woman)?

The more we keep Frontiersman occupied, the crazier his plans get - so we need some really crazy ideas for how he could take over the world. Along with some responses to those comments that will keep him coming up with crazier and crazier plans until (and if) the hero manages to escape.

Feddlefew commented 8 years ago

Since I don't have push acess yet, here's the first room script:

Part I: Steel Trap — 1. [A MYSTERIOUS PERSON awakens tied to a chair in a dim room] FRONTIERSMAN: Ah, Douglass Klein, my old nemesis, we meet at last. After all the years of thwartin my plans to expand Frontier World an Action Park, did ya think that that ridiculous disguise would hide your ugly mug?


[Player looses disguise!]

FRONTIERSMAN: Huh? Holy Horseshoes, your not Inspector Klein! Who are ya? Some kinda… Hamster Avenger? {Inspector Klein}, {Hamster} —— 1.a. Inspector Klein

LEMMING WOMAN: Who’s Inspector Klein? FRONTIERSMAN: [Laughs] Ya hear that, Paul? Rodent girl here doesn’t know about Klein. He’s the worst! A pox on the face of wholesome family entertainment! Always tryin to shut me down. It’s a disgrace!

FRONTIERSMAN: Sure, I may have had to bend a few little health and safety laws to make ends meet. Ya know what’s wrong with kids these days? Always too busy playin with their gathern magic cards an pok-e-mans an YouPages. They just don’t want to get up off their lazy butts and go see some REAL entertainment.

FRONTIERSMAN: It’s not like anyone’s died from fallin off the narrow viewin platform above the Gopher Saloon and Terrarium. Why should I have to pay 40 bucks to put up guard rails when I can put in a new attraction, or get utilizin the latest and greatest in advertisin technology?

FRONTIERSMAN: Anyway, ya better hope Klein doesn’t show his ugly mug for awhile, ‘cause I only got enough room in this trap for one interloper.

{Trap} {Advertising} {Saftey} ——

1.b. Hamster

LEMMING WOMAN: I’m not a hamster-themed hero! I’m-

FRONTIERSMAN: A mouse, then? Well, Ms. Mouse you wandered right into my trap, and I didn’t even set it for ya! [Frontiersman guffaws] {trap}

— 1.c Trap

LEMMING WOMAN: I’ve been locked in supply closest before.

FRONTIERSMAN: But I betcha’ve never been locked in a supply closet with a state of the art MECHA PAUL BUNION! I figured I might as well let Paul here do the honors of finishing Klein off, on account of the good inspector decided to close down Paul Bunion’s Authentic Clear Cuttin and log Spitin show because of a few splinters.

LEMMING WOMAN: A tree branch is not a splinter.


{Safety} —— 1.d Safety

LEMMING WOMAN: It sounds like your park is a bit, uh, dangerous.


LEMMING WOMAN: “So?” Your park is a deathtrap! There’s a log flume running through an active saw mill, the hall of giant spherical objects is dangerously unsecured and full of ramps, and the gophers are able to freely leave their enclosure to rob banks and hold people for ransom! Have Are you trying to kill your customers?

FRONTIERSMAN: If they can’t leave, they can’t spend their money elsewhere. It’s just business sense little lady. The only hard part is getting a steady supply of new customers. But I’ve got some new ads going that are workin just fine on that front.

{Advertising} — 1.e Advertising

LEMMING WOMAN: Let me guess, you’re the one behind the hypno ads that’ve been showing up around here.

FRONTIERSMAN: Don’t be stupid girl. Everyone knows hypnotism is bubkiss. All my ads do is plant subliminal messages in folk’s subconsciouses, makin them drop what they’re doin an bring their life savins down to Frontier World and Action Park for some good family entertainment.

FRONTIERSMAN: It can take a few viewins for em to work, but the billboards work every time, thanks to the little radio transmitters I stuck in ‘em. Once I launch a satalite over the U S of A, I’ll get people comin in from all over the country. Heck, I’ll probably get even get some Canadians. Once I get enough money, an dispose of that annoyin Inspector, I’ll finally be able to open up that miniature golf course my pa always talked about buildin. (Go to 1.j)

—— 1.f (If too much time has passed between responses) FRONTIERSMAN: Oh, I’m borin ya?

1.g (If he catches you rocking the chair)

FRONTIERSMAN: What do ya think you’re doin there?

  1. j (from “advertising”) Well, darn. Looks like ya got me to tell ya my plans. Can’t risk lettin ya escape now.

[Go to 2.]


2.a (if LEMMING WOMAN has knocked her chair over) [Ax cuts ropes, freeing Lemming woman, who runs out of the room.]

FRONTIERSMAN: What? No! Get back here!

2.b (Otherwise) [Hard cut to red, with FRONTIERSMAN’s Maniacal laughter in the background]

I'll take any suggestions / comments / proofreadings I can get.

JenniBee commented 8 years ago

Awesome! I uploaded your script to the assets repository.

And the process of adding it into the game scripts has begun. :D


JenniBee commented 8 years ago

More work on the game in IRC today. Saving it here for future reference:

23:03 Jenni I'm selling these fine superhero costumes. 23:03 Jenni Ah, a salesperson. Excellent! There's nothing worse than a door to door salesperson. 23:03 Jenni Except for a safety inspector, of course. 23:03 Jenni But since I can't get my nemesis, Inspector Klein, you'll be the perfect test subject for my steel trap. 23:40 Feddlefew BTW, why is it called the "Steel Trap" room? 23:50 Jenni I just named it that because it's a steel room - and it's a trap 23:50 Jenni but I'm open for a rename if you'd like 23:55 Jenni though - probably not in the data at first 23:55 Jenni lots of references to "steeltrap" o_O 23:55 Feddlefew We could just stick a bit of dialogue in (off the "Fine Superhero Costumes" bit) along the lines of: 23:56 Feddlefew LEMMING WOMAN: "Steel Trap"? 23:57 Feddlefew FRONTIERSMAN: What did ya expect, it's a room full of steel an a big robot! I'd like to see you come up with a better name. 23:57 Jenni ha. Yeah. That'll be good. 23:58 Feddlefew (Segways into remaining dialog options) 23:58 Jenni Kind of what I said
23:58 Jenni but more Frontiersmany 00:01 Feddlefew Pretty much. 8^) 00:23 Jenni I added in a robot option due to Frontiersman highlighting it in the new superhero costumes line 00:25 Jenni That's an interesting robot. 00:25 Jenni Mecha Paul Bunion is the latest and greatest in robotics technology. 00:25 Jenni It cost me a pretty penny, and I had to construct the Loopy Llama log flume with rotting wood that I picked up for free at the local dump. But it's well worth every penny. 00:25 Jenni First he's going to cut you into little chipmunk pieces. 00:25 Jenni Then he'll move onto bigger prey when I trap that no good, interfering safety inspector. 00:30 Feddlefew Do you mind if I rewrite that a little? 00:35 Jenni nope 00:35 Jenni go right ahead 00:37 Feddlefew FRONTIERSMAN: Paul Bunion here is only the latest and greatest in robot lumberjack technology. 00:42 Feddlefew FRONTIERSMAN: Cost me a fortune to build, and I had to evict a few termites from the old ghost town to get enough wood to finish the Loopy Llama Log Flume, but it was worth it. 00:43 Feddlefew *an I had to evict 00:44 Feddlefew FRONTIERSMAN: First, he's gonna chop you into chipmunk chunks. 00:45 Feddlefew FRONTIERSMAN: Then he'll move on to bigger prey when I catch that no good, interfering safety inspector. 00:45 Jenni nice 01:29 Jenni Feddlefew: I changed your death choice wording a bit to make it more clear that it's not a good route to go down 01:30 Jenni Lemming Woman: You're coming with me. I know you're behind those hypnotic ads. 01:30 Jenni since she's still in the chair, that should be a clue that it's not good to venture down that path 01:31 Jenni though, we might want to let people know that death and multiple endings are available from the start 01:31 Jenni like Dave Grossman did with the Christmas episode of Codename: Cygnus 01:33 Feddlefew Yeah, I had them sorted by topics. 01:33 Feddlefew I didn't know how you guys wanted to do dialog selection, so I figured it was the easiest way to keep track of what choice went where. 01:36 Feddlefew "Advertising" just happened to be the end of the dialogue chain. 01:36 Jenni I'm glad you wrote it up the way you did 01:37 Jenni since it was easy to figure out which topics went where when I was building the database 01:37 Feddlefew (I had a speal about the cost of buying TV ad time after that, but I figured it was better used in a different room.) 01:37 Feddlefew I ran D&D campaigns for awhile. 01:38 Jenni it's all in now, by the way - so now I can work on getting the presentation stuff done 01:38 Feddlefew It's how I kept track of possible plot lines without mapping software. 01:38 Jenni I'll upload it to master, if you want to try it out 01:39 Jenni nothing really goes anywhere at the moment after the dialog though. It all goes to the room where Lemming Woman can walk freely around. But, the biggest chunk of the work is behind us now 01:42 Feddlefew I had an idea for a possible ending: 01:43 Feddlefew (Like, for late-game) 01:45 Feddlefew If you don't make the Frontiersman's plan amazing or defeat him really fast, MPB abandons him in disgust and teams up with the hyper intelligent Gophers to terrorize the nation. 01:48 Jenni heh 01:49 Feddlefew They're alarmingly effective.

JenniBee commented 8 years ago

Reid_H_Cooper came up with some dialog for the bad ending in the new forum chat tonight:

8:02 PM unless it's a thought bubble as she dies "And just like my mom who stepped into a wood chipper, my dad walking straight off the top of that mountain, my aunt who was curious to see what being electrocuted felt like, my uncle who followed my dad right off the cliff, my sister who was jealous of my aunt who eletrocuted herself, my cousin Joey who also went off the mountain, there I bled to death, hoping not to be just another lemming... but that's all I am... a lemming"