Double0negative / Survival-Games

Survival Games plugin for Bukkit
63 stars 132 forks source link

player-queue interferes with other plugin arenas. #110

Open wiigor opened 10 years ago

wiigor commented 10 years ago


The enable-player-queue is a great feature, so people can join automatically instead of being only disappointed that they cant join an arena where the game is currently busy.


However people tend to join other plugin arenas (pvparena, spleef and dozens of other arena plugins) while they wait for the new survivalgame to start. If the survival games start, they will be teleported to the survivalgame arena, while they are still in the other minigame, this leads to many issues like having the minigame inventory of the other plugin, and losing their original inventory.

proposed solution:

Solution A (simple)

If a player executes a command: -check if he is in the player-queue. -If true, use the same command whitelist command as when he is in an active survivalgame arena.

Solution B (somewhat more complex, but this would be a better solution for me)

If a player executes a command: -check if he is in the player-queue. if true, allow the command unless its a queue blacklisted command.

this will require the addition of a command blacklist for queued players. because as opposed in the game itself most commands will be allowed only the arena commands will not, while in the game you want to disallow all commands by default and some not.

The B solution will allow people to place arena like commands in the blacklist so people wont be able to join other arenas while they are waiting for a survivalgame session to start.