Double0negative / Survival-Games

Survival Games plugin for Bukkit
63 stars 132 forks source link

1.7.2 Update #111

Closed ThunderGemios10 closed 9 years ago

ThunderGemios10 commented 10 years ago

merge or not just trying to Help Survival Games

and i know changing Numbers wont affect anything

wiigor commented 10 years ago

Why did u change the java version? It was not needed for updating the bukkit version. Many servers still run on java 1.6 and I believe bukkit also runs on 1.6. Compiling for java 7 can yield class version errors when running on 1.6 servers.

Pocketkid2 commented 10 years ago

I agree, don't upgrade to java 7 unless required

Pocketkid2 commented 10 years ago

also, upgrading just the api version isnt really unless the APi changes