Doublevil / JmdictFurigana

A Japanese dictionary resource that attaches furigana to individual words
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Announcing: microservice for JmdictFurigana #7

Closed fasiha closed 7 years ago

fasiha commented 7 years ago

Hi, this is not an issue, just, thanks for this great project and I made a tiny Node.js server to host the data, so clients can request readings and furigana for JMDICT headwords, or just furigana for headword–reading pairs.

One nice thing is, it returns the furigana in a format that’s a little easier to convert to Ruby, e.g., hitting the /食べ物/たべもの endpoint returns

    "ruby": "食",
    "rt": "た"
    "ruby": "物",
    "rt": "もの"

which a web client can readily render as Ruby tags: もの.

It’s trivial to set up something like this, but I thought maybe if it saves one of your other users a few minutes, then it’d be worth it. Thank you 🙇!

BlueRaja commented 7 years ago

Why are the spelling and pronunciation called ruby and rt?

fasiha commented 7 years ago

@BlueRaja, to match the HTML5 Ruby tag, i.e., もの = <ruby>食<rt>た</rt></ruby>べ<ruby>物<rt>もの</rt></ruby>, though that might have been shortsighted of me, replacing linguistic terms with HTML jargon…