Open flip111 opened 3 years ago
Unfortunately the hvega
code doesn't map cleanly to the vega-lite schema, which makes converting from schema to code potentially hard. There be ways to map certain constructs easily, but my off-the-cuff bet (with no research) is that there's no easy generic solution. If you have the schema I can try to come up with something manually (and this may helo identify whether it could be automated).
Hi @DougBurke that's very kind :) I made the conversion now manually without running the code yet. Didn't know the haskell code was not an exact 1-on-1 mapping to vega-lite v4.
"$schema": "",
"description": "blabla",
"data": {
"values": [
{"name": "Ticket 1", "id": 1222, "storypoints": 6, "timelogged": 20},
{"name": "Ticket 2", "id": 1223, "storypoints": 2, "timelogged": 30},
{"name": "Ticket 3", "id": 1222, "storypoints": 5, "timelogged": 20}
"transform": [
{"calculate": "datum.timelogged / datum.storypoints", "as": "velocity"}
"mark": "bar",
"encoding": {
"x": {"field": "velocity", "type": "quantitative", "title": null},
"y": {
"field": "name",
"type": "nominal",
"title": null,
"axis": {
"offset": 5,
"ticks": false,
"domain": false,
"orient": "right"
"sort": {"field": "velocity"}
"x2": {"datum": 7}
"config": {}
let data_rows = dataFromRows [ Parse [ ( "Year", FoDate "%Y" ) ] ]
. dataRow [ ( "name", Str "Ticket 1" ), ( "storypoints", Number 6 ), ( "timelogged", Number 20 )]
. dataRow [ ( "name", Str "Ticket 2" ), ( "storypoints", Number 2 ), ( "timelogged", Number 20 )]
. dataRow [ ( "name", Str "Ticket 3" ), ( "storypoints", Number 5 ), ( "timelogged", Number 20 )]
enc = encoding
. position X (PName "velocity", PmType Quantitative, PNoTitle)
. position Y (PName "name", PmType Nominal, PNoTitle, PAxis [ AxOffset 5, AxTicks False, AxDomain False, AxOrient SRight], PSort [ByChannel ChX])
. position X (PDatum $ Number 7)
cfg = configure
. configuration (Axis [ GridWidth 8 ])
. configuration (AxisX [ GridColor "red" ])
. configuration (AxisY [ GridColor "blue" ])
tsfr = transform
. calculateAs "datum.timelogged / datum.storypoints" "velocity"
in toVegaLite [ data_rows []
, enc []
, tsfr
, mark Bar []
I made a nice graph in the is there any way to convert it to the haskell code needed for it?