DougEdey / StrangeBrew

Java based Homebrew Recipe tool
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[Feature] 640x480 Tweaks #133

Open DougEdey opened 12 years ago

DougEdey commented 12 years ago

Converted from SourceForge issue 1944174, submitted by nobody

I would like to run this on my eeePC (a.k.a. tiny laptop) so I can have it close while I brew. Here are the changes I would like to see:

  1. Make the buttons below the menu (Save/Find/Print/Copy) optionally visible.
  2. Make the "Fermentables" and "Hops" sections tabs instead of visible on the main screen.
  3. Move the 3 status displays (File: / IBU method: / Alc method:) to be right justified, on the same line as the Recipe Name.
  4. Make all (or some) tabs optionally visible, so that if you don't use a tab, you don't need to see it.
  5. Create an alternate terse name for some tabs to save space. Suggestion: Dilution >> Dil., Water >> H2O, Water Treatment >> H2O Mods, Carbonation >> Carb, Fermentables >> ???.

How this is configured is up to the developer. Add it to preferences, command line option, config file that overrides etc. are some suggestions.

Nice program!

Cheers, Corey