DougEdey / StrangeBrew

Java based Homebrew Recipe tool
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Adding malt or hops shifts item's position in list #90

Closed DougEdey closed 12 years ago

DougEdey commented 12 years ago

Converted from SourceForge issue 2027341, submitted by dlevey

This may be (peripherally) covered in another item. In v2.0.1, if I have a list of (for example) malt ingredients, they list in alphabetical order. In and of itself this is OK, but if I add a new ingredient I'm adding at the first position. However, when I select the name of the malt that entire line goes to its place in order. In order to edit any field on the line I need to tab out of the name field, find the item in its new place in the order and then click on the field I want to edit. I can;t just click on that field because I'm most likely editing the wrong line. Very frustrating.

DougEdey commented 12 years ago

Submitted by katzke

This was a real problem for me when entering my first recipe. It would also be great if the program did not change the order of the grains. I like to have the base grains first and then the special grains by amount. I am also going to start to add grains like roast barley after the main mash so having them listed in order of adding them to the mash is a big help.

DougEdey commented 12 years ago

Submitted by katzke

This was a real problem for me when entering my first recipe. It would also be great if the program did not change the order of the grains. I like to have the base grains first and then the special grains by amount. I am also going to start to add grains like roast barley after the main mash so having them listed in order of adding them to the mash is a big help.

DougEdey commented 12 years ago

Submitted by dougedey

Fixed for malts. Working on the hops now.

DougEdey commented 12 years ago

Submitted by dougedey

Hops were fixed previously, kind of forgot it was a byproduct.

Code uploaded. Please test using: Bug 2027341: Fermentables now sort by addition amount. High to Low