DouglasTaylorSupportGroup / EinsteinBot

🤖 A Discord bot that allows you to access solutions to homework problems from Chegg.
Apache License 2.0
23 stars 13 forks source link

Daily limit #4

Closed Dineshomapathi closed 2 years ago

Dineshomapathi commented 2 years ago


Just to check on it does this bot have limit or will my premium account will be banned or suspend if I use this discord and if yes chances of getting this problem. Thanks for your effort it been easy to use when I need answer of course if I where use it I do not want it lead to account problem.

vDucky commented 2 years ago

I believe i saw something in the code that mentioned a cooldown but im not sure

jckli commented 2 years ago


Just to check on it does this bot have limit or will my premium account will be banned or suspend if I use this discord and if yes chances of getting this problem. Thanks for your effort it been easy to use when I need answer of course if I where use it I do not want it lead to account problem.

There are some cooldowns in place to prevent Chegg's bot detection, which I've tested to prevent the Bot detection page/Captcha. This code can be seen in the parsing library as well as the normal bot code. You can remove this code, however the bot may not be as reliable due to Chegg detecting it.

I'm not sure whether or not it would get your Chegg account nor your Discord account suspended/banned. Use the bot at your own discretion and read the disclaimer.

That being said, we are developing a fully setup bot, using our own Chegg account, that would be sold at very cheap (cheaper than a Chegg account). This would prevent any bans, as no account would be tied back to you.