Open DovieW opened 10 months ago
When i get such issues, just going into the directory in Termux and running git sync -ns
Doesn't seem to actually be a network issue. if i run the Sync (all) Vaults script, it just keeps happening.
the network error is from the git-sync script so that can be ignored.
I was able to fix the object file is empty with git fsck --full
If you need the changes from the remote, a safe bet is git fetch && git reset @{u}
maybe the fix would be to auto git fsck --full
if a sync fails. and that can be toggled with an env var and it defaults to true consider solution in last comment
made this script to move all my vaults to termux storage and do the worktrees thing. so far seems to be working (I think its signifcantly faster too). will check back in a couple weeks to see if it solved the issue.
the script (thanks chatgpt):
set -euo pipefail
# Colors for echo commands
NC='\033[0m' # No Color
# Source and destination paths
# Create the destination directory if it doesn't exist
echo -e "${YELLOW}Creating destination directory at $DEST_PATH if it doesn't exist...${NC}"
mkdir -p "$DEST_PATH"
# Move all repositories from source to destination
for repo in "$SOURCE_PATH"/*; do
if [ -d "$repo/.git" ]; then
if [ -f "$repo/.git" ]; then
echo "$repo is a worktree. Skipping loop."
# Get the name of the repository
repo_name=$(basename "$repo")
# Move the repository
echo -e "${YELLOW}Moving repository $repo_name to $DEST_PATH...${NC}"
mv "$repo" "$DEST_PATH/"
# Change to the repository directory
echo -e "${YELLOW}Changing to the repository directory $DEST_PATH/$repo_name...${NC}"
cd "$DEST_PATH/$repo_name" || exit
# Determine if the branch is 'master' or 'main'
# This is dumb it should just take the current branch name
if git show-ref --verify --quiet refs/heads/master; then
elif git show-ref --verify --quiet refs/heads/main; then
echo -e "${YELLOW}Neither 'master' nor 'main' branch found. Exiting...${NC}"
exit 1
git switch -c empty
# Remove all files and directories except the .git directory
echo -e "${YELLOW}Removing all files from the working directory of $repo_name except the .git directory...${NC}"
find . -mindepth 1 \( -not -path "./.git" -a -not -path "./.git/*" \) -exec rm -rf {} +
# Create a worktree for the repo back to the original location, checked out to the default branch
echo -e "${YELLOW}Creating a worktree for $repo_name back to the original location at $SOURCE_PATH/$repo_name, checked out to $default_branch...${NC}"
mkdir -p "$SOURCE_PATH/$repo_name"
git worktree add "$SOURCE_PATH/$repo_name" "$default_branch"
echo -e "${GREEN}All repositories have been moved and worktrees created.${NC}"