Dplayend / Just-Leveling

add aptitudes, skills, titles, all like a rpg game.
3 stars 1 forks source link

Skill Addition and Removal #42

Open HolyCartoon opened 5 months ago

HolyCartoon commented 5 months ago

Although this is a mod i would definitely want to use on my modpack a couple skills are just not suitable and want to remove them. I read the wiki and all it talks about is adding skills. Talking about addition i cannot really understand the first step of the "How to add passive" page. What i understood is to add the code to a file called build.gradle which i cannot find anywhere. Unless you want me to create a file called build.gradle but then where do i put that file? Lastly i dont know if you are aware but the "how to add skill" and "how to add title"page just redirects you back to the home page with the message "You do not have permission to update this wiki."