Dr-Emann / applesauce

Transparent compression for Apple File System Compression (AFSC)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Add a "--inplace" option, which will overwrite the file in-place unsafely #61

Open Dr-Emann opened 7 months ago

Dr-Emann commented 7 months ago

This allows the inode to stay unmodified. So far, haven't found anything which requires that, but if they do, compressing into the same file without doing the atomic-rename dance can't preserve that.

However, see also RJVB/afsctool#62 and RJVB/afsctool#63 for instances where in-place replacement can fail.

MUST enforce that the equivalent of --verify is used to avoid the macos bug where an inode gets somehow "tainted" and ends up appearing as full of zeros after compression.