Dr-Terrible / ineluctable-overlay

Ineluctable Overlay offers a repository of Gentoo ebuilds for projects that I am interested in, or are not yet available through Portage tree.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Polybar (Lemonbuddy) #4

Closed bpinto closed 7 years ago

bpinto commented 7 years ago

Hey, thanks for the overlay!

Lemonbuddy has been renamed to polybar and the ebuild does not work anymore.

It also requires gcc newer than 5.1, how can I install it along with latest unmasked 4.x version?

Dr-Terrible commented 7 years ago

Thank you for the report, @bpinto.

Lemonbuddy has been renamed to polybar and the ebuild does not work anymore.

Oh gosh, I didn't notice it. I'll fix the ebuild ASAP. The fix is trivial and you should be able to see a new commit in the next couple of hours.

It also requires gcc newer than 5.1, how can I install it along with latest unmasked 4.x version?

It's quite simple if you use the autounmask option of emerge. However, if you want to do it manually:

$ cat /etc/portage/package.keywords/gcc 
# GCC 5.4

$ emerge -av gcc:5.4.0
Dr-Terrible commented 7 years ago

@bpinto in case you already have the old lemonbuddy package installed, run an emerge -puDNv @world @system and you should see something like this at the beginning of the output:

Performing Global Updates
(Could take a couple of minutes if you have a lot of binary packages.)
  .='update pass'  *='binary update'  #='/var/db update'  @='/var/db move'
  s='/var/db SLOT move'  %='binary move'  S='binary SLOT move'
  p='update /etc/portage/package.*'

then run dispatch-conf and the tool will change all the references inside your /etc/portage/* files from x11-misc/lemonbuddy to x11-misc/polybar. At that point, you can safely upgrade the package without worrying about the old ebuilds; emerge will take care of everything.

Instead, if you haven't previously installed x11-misc/lemonbuddy, just execute the standard emerge -av x11-misc/polybar.

Let me know if there are missing parts, or if the ebuild needs to be further tweaked for specific features ;)

bpinto commented 7 years ago

Won't that gcc unmask remove my old gcc (4.x)?

Update: gcc is one of those packages that will auto install in a new slot.

Dr-Terrible commented 7 years ago

Won't that gcc unmask remove my old gcc (4.x)? Update: gcc is one of those packages that will auto install in a new slot.

Yup, gcc is a slotted package, so the various versions will be installed all together without removing the previous one (you need to explicitly remove them with emerge -C gcc:<slot>). Then you use gcc-config to globally select the desired version.

Beware about gcc 5.x globally enabling C++1x, as some packages (especially the very old ones) are not guarantee to compile with the new API/ABI change; that is why gcc:5 is not a stable package at the moment ;)

Be sure to follow the proper guide when upgrading gcc, and you should be fine for most of the cases, but your mileage may vary.

bpinto commented 7 years ago

Do you think I should upgrade to gcc 5 as of now? Is it better than having two GCC versions installed?

Dr-Terrible commented 7 years ago

I'm using gcc:5.3.0 as my default compiler for a year now, and I had problems only with an handful of packages so far (and only at the very beginning of the upgrade process because Portage didn't provide patches for gcc5/6 back then). Since then, I have already compiled the entire world at least twice without compilation issues of any sort, or segmentation faults when running apps.

So I'm pretty sure you'll be fine, provided that you follow the aforementioned guide for upgrading gcc:4 to gcc:5; in particular the part:

root $ revdep-rebuild --library 'libstdc\+\+.so.6' -- --exclude gcc

Just in case, verify that you aren't using one the packages already known to be broken and without a proper fix: https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=536984 (see the section "Depends on:" and move the mouse over the list of not closed reports, you should see the package name). Unless you're using some obscure library/app whose last release was made when dinosaurs roamed the earth, then you should be safe :D

So far, only skype seems to have a critical issue (due to Qt4 and USE flag exceptions, see bug report 546746); all the rest of the open issues are about not common libs/tools.

Dr-Terrible commented 7 years ago

Is it better than having two GCC versions installed?

For now, keep gcc:4 together with gcc:5; just to be safe.

At the moment, there is an ongoing discussion among Gentoo's developers about stabilizing gcc:5 in the near future, so we'll get a stable gcc:5.x in the next few months. When that happens, you can safely remove gcc:4 because it will be redundant ;)

bpinto commented 7 years ago

Oh that's awesome news!

By the way, this is how I solved it:

$ cat /etc/portage/env/gcc-5.4.0 

$ cat /etc/portage/package.env 
x11-misc/polybar gcc-5.4.0
bpinto commented 7 years ago

Compilation succeeded. If there is something else, I'll open another issue! Thanks for the chat.

Dr-Terrible commented 7 years ago

You're welcome :)