video is stuck in the first few seconds after it was trimmed (but the audio is still playing).
I think that it is because of the FFmpeg command, but I'm not sure and couldn't find the exact reason,.
I remember that I saw similar problem while I was working on this project. But I guess I fixed it while was developing. I used it on iOS. If I will have time for check it, I'll give commit and give info to you
video is stuck in the first few seconds after it was trimmed (but the audio is still playing). I think that it is because of the FFmpeg command, but I'm not sure and couldn't find the exact reason,.
try{ FileUtils.mkdir([dirloc]); _flutterFFmpeg.execute( '-i ${widget.picked.path} -ss ${timeBoxControllerStart.text} -t ${durationFormatter(difference)} -c copy $dirloc/$now.mp4') .then((value) { print('Got value $value'); _saveVideo('$dirloc/$now.mp4'); }).catchError((error) { print('Error'); }); } catch(e) { print(e); }