DrBibop / RoR2VRMod

MIT License
51 stars 7 forks source link

Issues with multiplayer #39

Closed 1n5aN1aC closed 3 years ago

1n5aN1aC commented 3 years ago


Played with the mod a bit in singleplayer, and it works well, and is a lot of fun. However, when I join a friend in multiplayer, I get automatically kicked after about 10 seconds in the lobby, and also cannot change my hero when I am in the lobby.

Here is my BepInEx output:

[Info   : Unity Log] Request to join lobby 109775240999264633 received. Attempting to join lobby.
[Info   : Unity Log] Steamworks lobby join succeeded. Lobby id = 109775240999264633
[Info   : Unity Log] GameNetworkManager.desiredHost={ hostType=Steam steamId=76561198028015187 }
[Info   :     R2API] Client Handlers registered
[Info   : Unity Log] Initiating connection to server 76561198028015187...
[Info   : Unity Log] Unloaded scene title
[Info   : Unity Log] Active scene changed from  to lobby
[Info   : Unity Log] Loaded scene lobby loadSceneMode=Single
[Info   : Unity Log] Press Enter to chat.
[Info   : Unity Log] Adding local player controller 0 on connection hostId: 0 connectionId: 0 isRead
y: False channel count: 8
[Info   : Unity Log] OnClientSceneChanged networkSceneName=lobby currentSceneName=lobby
[Error  : Unity Log] A connection has already been set as ready. There can only be one.
[Info   : Unity Log] Adding local player controller 0 on connection hostId: 0 connectionId: 0 isRead
y: False channel count: 8
[Error  : Unity Log] Failed to spawn server object, did you forget to add it to the NetworkManager?
assetId=44ae7d75d2022317ee7ca2c97e684c66 netId=6
[Warning: Unity Log] Could not find target object with netId:6 for RPC call ClientRpc:InvokeRpcTarge
[Info   : Unity Log] <style=cEvent>1n5aN1aC connected.</color>
[Info   : Unity Log] PreGameRuleVoteController.ClientTransmitVotesToServer()
[Info   : Unity Log] Received kick message. Reason=RoR2.Networking.GameNetworkManager+SimpleLocalize
[Info   : Unity Log] Left lobby 109775240999264633.
[Info   : Unity Log] GameNetworkManager.desiredHost={ hostType=None }
[Error  : Unity Log] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Stack trace:
VRMod.UIFixes.SetRenderMode (UnityEngine.GameObject uiObject, UnityEngine.Vector2 resolution, UnityE
ngine.Vector3 positionOffset, UnityEngine.Vector3 scale, System.Boolean followRotation) (at <a5c9f69
VRMod.UIFixes+<>c.<Init>b__10_6 (On.RoR2.UI.SimpleDialogBox+orig_Start orig, RoR2.UI.SimpleDialogBox
 self) (at <a5c9f69e2fba4a778e57f01c25acded9>:IL_002B)
DMD<>?-879395840.Hook<RoR2.UI.SimpleDialogBox::Start>?-757731328 (RoR2.UI.SimpleDialogBox ) (at <e4d

[Info   : Unity Log] Unloaded scene lobby
[Info   : Unity Log] Active scene changed from  to title
[Info   : Unity Log] Loaded scene title loadSceneMode=Single
1n5aN1aC commented 3 years ago

Update: This appears to be another mod, not your VRMod.

Will attempt to update this issue.

1n5aN1aC commented 3 years ago

Confirmed, was caused by a classic items mod my friend wanted to use.

VRMod works great!

DrBibop commented 3 years ago

Glad you resolved your issue! If you get another problem like this, make sure to ask in the Discord server to make sure there is indeed a problem with the mod I need to fix before opening an issue here.