DrChat / Gmod-vphysics

Replacement vphysics module for the Source engine (originally meant for Garry's Mod)
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Vehicles still collide with clip_vphysics, even when clip_vphysics is disabled. #42

Closed TeddiO closed 4 years ago

TeddiO commented 10 years ago

Vehicles will collide with func_clip_vphysics (https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Func_clip_vphysics) even if the state is set to off / disabled. Props / ragdolls work as intended however.

DrChat commented 10 years ago

Huh. Is it just the wheels that act as if it's still solid or both the wheels and chassis?

DrChat commented 10 years ago

The jeep's raycast wheels still do collide with objects that have collisions disabled. The chassis on the other hand behaves correctly.

DrChat commented 9 years ago

Check it again, may have fixed it in a0542a2bf55a41fcdabf493ce1468c012571fb7c.