DrCyanide / cyanic-sd-krita

A Stable Diffusion plugin for Krita, compatible with A1111 and SD.Next
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ComboBox doesn't show scrollbar #26

Open rexelbartolome opened 9 months ago

rexelbartolome commented 9 months ago

I was going to test out Control Type Tile but I can't select it.


DrCyanide commented 9 months ago

The ControlNet Control Type is populated by your server's API, so it should always match what's in your Web UI. That dropdown should be a scrollable list (limited to showing 5 items at a time, while the Model select list is limited to 10). image

You can try using the scroll wheel on your mouse and see if that works. This might be an OS dependent bug though. What OS are you on?

rexelbartolome commented 9 months ago

Oh I didn't know you can scroll through that, but yeah the scroll bar is missing for me, but I CAN scroll through it using the mouse wheel

I'm on Windows 10

DrCyanide commented 9 months ago

Hum... I'm also on Windows 10, so it's not the OS....

What version of Krita are you using? I see the scroll bar in Krita 5.2.0, but not in Krita 5.1.5. Honestly, that worries me, because it's the same code in both systems, on the same OS, so it should display the same visually.

Unfortunately this isn't a bug I'm likely to track down anytime soon.

rexelbartolome commented 9 months ago

I'm on Krita 5.2.1 actually 🤔 but that's fine, maybe just a note on the readme or something since it might confuse others.