DrFaust92 / terraform-provider-bitbucket

Terraform Bitbucket Cloud provider.
Mozilla Public License 2.0
36 stars 29 forks source link

API Error: 500 2.0/repositories/<team>/<repository>/src Something went wrong #193

Open gelfandbein opened 6 months ago

gelfandbein commented 6 months ago

Terraform 1.5.5 Bitbucket provider 2.38.0

Can't upload to branch small files (15-20 files), always got 500 error after second file, 1st file uploaded yo branch without problems


2024-01-01T16:53:24.973+0200 [ERROR] provider.terraform-provider-bitbucket_v2.38.0: Response contains error diagnostic: tf_proto_version=5.4 tf_req_id=2da8da95-5d0a-da69-dbe7-8fc853ced63a @module=sdk.proto diagnostic_detail= diagnostic_severity=ERROR tf_rpc=ApplyResourceChange @caller=github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-go@v0.19.0/tfprotov5/internal/diag/diagnostics.go:58 diagnostic_summary="API Error: 500 2.0/repositories/<team>/<repository>/src Something went wrong" tf_provider_addr=DrFaust92/bitbucket tf_resource_type=bitbucket_commit_file timestamp=2024-01-01T16:53:24.973+0200
2024-01-01T16:53:24.976+0200 [ERROR] vertex "bitbucket_commit_file.web_conf" error: API Error: 500 2.0/repositories/<team>/<repository>/src Something went wrong

Terraform resource:

resource "bitbucket_commit_file" "startup_script" {
  filename       = "startup-script.sh"
  content        = data.template_file.startup_script.rendered
  repo_slug      = "config"
  workspace      = data.bitbucket_workspace.current_workspace.slug
  commit_author  = "John Doe <${var.admin1_email}>"
  branch         = "config"
  commit_message = "initial config"

Can I commit whole folder not by file?

gelfandbein commented 6 months ago

And for the future I'd like to upload generated files (after 'terraform apply') not only from the repo source