If $VERSION is a numeric literal, version.pm interprets this as a decimal format and truncates it to 6 decimal places [1] - It is generally accepted that versions should be quoted in Modern Perl
This is what causes cpan-outdated to constantly show Number::Phone as outdated. It creates a version object via Module::Metadata, which uses version.pm, resulting in a truncated version number, meaning all comparisons on that version number are incorrect.
An alternative fix would be to shorten the version number, but this works.
If $VERSION is a numeric literal, version.pm interprets this as a decimal format and truncates it to 6 decimal places [1] - It is generally accepted that versions should be quoted in Modern Perl
This is what causes cpan-outdated to constantly show Number::Phone as outdated. It creates a version object via Module::Metadata, which uses version.pm, resulting in a truncated version number, meaning all comparisons on that version number are incorrect.
An alternative fix would be to shorten the version number, but this works.
[1] https://metacpan.org/module/version::Internals#Decimal-Versions