DrHyde / perl-modules-Number-Phone

Number::Phone and friends
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Use sharedir for UK data #70

Closed DrHyde closed 7 years ago

DrHyde commented 7 years ago

The humungo-file breaks metacpan when it tries to parse the file of "perl code". Or maybe package the pre-amble and data seperately and have Makefile.PL combine them at make-time. See perhaps https://metacpan.org/pod/ExtUtils::MakeMaker#PL_FILES

DrHyde commented 7 years ago

See https://github.com/metacpan/metacpan-api/issues/709

DrHyde commented 7 years ago

Looks like it's fixed in 3.4001_02. It got indexed by metacpan, and CPAN-testers have passed it on numerous Unixes and at least one Windows machine.

karenetheridge commented 6 years ago

Increasing the buffer size is just a workaround. Data of this size really should be in its own file, rather than combined with a perl module (where it will stay in memory once that .pm file has been required).