DrJohnT / AzureDevOpsExtensionsForSqlServer

Microsoft SQL Server deployment extensions for Azure DevOps Pipelines
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Process SSAS Tabular cube model fails returning non descriptive error #32

Open mingagelis opened 3 years ago

mingagelis commented 3 years ago

Component DeployTabularModel - Process SSAS Tabular cube model

Describe the bug Process SSAS Tabular cube model fails returning error:

[error]Invoke-ProcessTabularCubeDatabase: Error processing SalesCube on SSAS Server: correctservername.com

The component seems to fail before even connecting to SSAS server since SQL Profiler does not detect a login attempt. Failure occurs immediately after starting the task.

However previous task in the pipeline is Deploy SSAS Tabular cube model from the same extension and it is using the same ServerName and DatabaseName variables and works as expected.

Azure DevOps Agent

DrJohnT commented 3 years ago

@mingagelis That is odd indeed. Could you please provide the full log from Azure DevOps?
Is your server really called "correctservername.com", or is that a typo?

DrJohnT commented 3 years ago

You did not mention if you had used the "Update SSAS tabular cube data source" step to update the connection string to the SQL Server instance the data is to be extracted from. Did you do that?

mingagelis commented 3 years ago

Thanks for getting back so quickly!

No, my server name is not that. I can not show the real one, sorry... But I assume it is correct since it is set up via a variable. Same variable is used in previous step and it works.

There is no step to update the data sources. I have set the deployment to retain configuration. I have also tried to process the database manually and it worked without any issues.

What is really strange is that there is no login attempt made by the processing task. It's like it never even gets across to try and connect to the SSAS server.

Here is the whole log with changed server name: 2021-01-28T12:48:37.7174138Z ##[section]Starting: Process SSAS tabular cube SalesCube 2021-01-28T12:48:37.7349104Z ============================================================================== 2021-01-28T12:48:37.7349457Z Task : Process SSAS Tabular cube model 2021-01-28T12:48:37.7350091Z Description : Load a SSAS tabular cube model with data from an an on-premise SQL Server database by processing the cube 2021-01-28T12:48:37.7351454Z Version : 1.1.12 2021-01-28T12:48:37.7351725Z Author : Dr. John Tunnicliffe 2021-01-28T12:48:37.7352150Z Help : More Information 2021-01-28T12:48:37.7352634Z ============================================================================== 2021-01-28T12:48:39.1717698Z AsServer: correctservername.com 2021-01-28T12:48:39.1727404Z CubeDatabaseName: SalesCube 2021-01-28T12:48:39.1736611Z RefreshType: Full 2021-01-28T12:48:39.1748718Z UserID:
2021-01-28T12:48:39.1764088Z ============================================================================== 2021-01-28T12:48:39.1837442Z Processing tabular cube correctservername.com.SalesCube using Refresh Type: Full 2021-01-28T12:48:39.2413880Z ============================================================================== 2021-01-28T12:48:39.4436809Z ##[error]Invoke-ProcessTabularCubeDatabase: Error processing SalesCube on SSAS Server: correctservername.com 2021-01-28T12:48:39.4817961Z ##[section]Finishing: Process SSAS tabular cube SalesCube

mingagelis commented 3 years ago

In this particular setup the cubes have two data sources so I will not be able to use the Update SSAS tabular cube data source task since it seems to be referring to just the first one.

SQLPioneer commented 3 years ago

I was experiencing the same no descript error message as fixed it by changing Invoke-ProcessTabularCubeDatabase.ps1 Line 80 from $err to $PSItem.Exception.Message. If I have time I will make the change and submit a PR, but I can't do it on company time.