DrLex0 / FFCP-GCodeSnippets

G-Code and scripts for using the FlashForge Creator Pro with PrusaSlicer (Slic3r)
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Base layer versus first layer height #18

Closed scotte closed 2 years ago

scotte commented 2 years ago

Just a heads up - I'm not sure if this will apply to newer versions of Slic3r or PrusaSlicer, but with the SuperSlicer fork, the First layer height cannot be larger than the Base layer height in Slicing configuration under Print Settings. Here's the details: https://github.com/supermerill/SuperSlicer/issues/2060

DrLex0 commented 2 years ago

There is no such thing as base layer height in the current PrusaSlicer, hence there is no value for base layer height in the profiles published here, hence there is nothing to fix.

Quoting the README: “These configs and G-code are made specifically for PrusaSlicer. They might work in the original Slic3r from which PrusaSlicer was forked, but I give no guarantees, and I give no support if you use this with anything else than PrusaSlicer.”

I don't even know what base layer height means, and why a first layer height of 0.2mm, 0.25mm, or 0.27mm would be problematic.

scotte commented 2 years ago

Sorry if the term got muddled - you are correct, it's called Layer height in Prusa Slicer, layer_height in the configurations: https://github.com/DrLex0/FFCP-GCodeSnippets/blob/master/ConfigBundles/Slic3r_config_bundle.ini#L66

To be clear, I'm not asking for support and already solved this myself. I am also well aware that your configurations are made for Prusa Slicer, not other forks. As I do not know if this change came in the Super Slicer fork or from upstream (either Prusa Slicer or Slic3r), I was simply trying to be helpful.

DrLex0 commented 2 years ago

If I understand it right, this new slicer prohibits using a thicker first layer? A thicker first layer is often essential to get prints to start reliably. Good luck trying to deposit a 0.5 mm first layer on a print bed that is not perfectly flat and not perfectly levelled… If you cannot configure a first layer thicker than the other layers (regardless of the minimum layer height parameter value), then that's an outright bug in that slicer and you should file a new issue there, because it does not seem that supermerill/SuperSlicer#2060 has anything to do with it. Maybe this slicer has a different default for the maximum layer height, which is unlimited in PrusaSlicer. But even the largest first layer height in my profiles (0.27 mm) is still OK for a 0.4 mm nozzle.

The actual problem mentioned in #2060, of the minimum layer height not being imposed on the actual layer height, seems to be a PrusaSlicer issue and should be filed there.