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[Linux] screen #139

Open DrMaemi opened 12 months ago

DrMaemi commented 12 months ago

.screenrc, .bashrc 설정

screen 기존 단축키

screen 세션 확인 후 kill

$ screen -XS 50194 quit $ screen -r user There is no screen to be resumed matching user.

- Rationale:
  - `-X` - Execute command
  - `-S` - session PID to execute on

## frozen tab이 ctrl + d로 안죽여질 때
- ctrl + a, `:kill` 입력하면 죽더라

## A. 참조
- [[screen] 기본 사용법](https://poorman.tistory.com/334)
- [GNU screen: key to access tabs above 9](https://superuser.com/questions/342470/gnu-screen-key-to-access-tabs-above-9)
- [Gnu screen: kill a frozen tab](https://superuser.com/questions/458122/gnu-screen-kill-a-frozen-tab)