DrMemCS / drmem

Full source tree for the DrMem control system
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:lock: Ideas about security #15

Open rneswold opened 1 year ago

rneswold commented 1 year ago

Redis Security

If you're using the Redis backend, you need to be able to protect the database from malicious clients. As of v0.1.0, DrMem has a config option to indicate the host and port of the Redis server. I configure Redis to only listen to the loopback address. This means DrMem has to be running on the same system and it relies on the system's security to limit who can log into the machine.

If you have several DrMem instances and want to share a Redis instance, then Redis will need a publicly accessible address. Redis can be configured to restrict database keys to certain clients. If we want this tighter control, we'll have to make the following changes to DrMem:

GraphQL Security

Currently we're using an unencrypted, open http connection to control DrMem. I envision mobile and web apps interfacing with DrMem. But we want to keep things simple since the only clients to my control system will be my phone and maybe tablet. For this tiny use-case, I think the following can be used: