DrMichael / FritzCall

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twisted web client getPage is no longer available in V22 #4

Closed jbleyel closed 1 year ago

jbleyel commented 2 years ago


You can change it like this:


from twisted.web.client import getPage

getPage(url, method=b'GET').addCallback(self.successfunc).addErrback(self.errorfunc)


from twisted.internet.reactor import callInThread
from requests import get, exceptions

    callInThread(self.threadGetPage, url, self.successfunc, self.errorfunc)

    def threadGetPage(self, link, success, fail):
            response = get(link)
        except exceptions.RequestException as error:
DrMichael commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the hint. Isn't there a more elegant way to replace it? :-)

And what about post, agent, headers?

jbleyel commented 2 years ago

something like that.

from twisted.internet.reactor import callInThread
from requests import post, exceptions

    callInThread(self.threadPostPage, url, self.successfunc, self.errorfunc)

    def threadPostPage(self, link, success, fail):
            response = post(link, headers={...})
        except exceptions.RequestException as error:


Please note!. For python 2 you need an older version of requests and this older version may not have all features. But I think this is not a problem in your plugin.

DrMichael commented 1 year ago

Hi, how would I call the successfunc with an additional parameter? Trying to translate: getPage(six.ensure_binary(url)).addCallback(self._getCalls_cb2, callback)

dhwz commented 1 year ago

I disagree you don't need requests you can replace that with twisted agent which is fully compatible with the old code

DrMichael commented 1 year ago

Do you have an example?

dhwz commented 1 year ago

Sure That's the code used in MediaPortal. You can reuse it in FritzCall just give proper credits. You may need to cleanup it a bit as you may only need twAgentGetPage

jbleyel commented 1 year ago
def getPage(url):
    def sendUrl(url, timeout, headers):
        r = requests.get(url, headers=headers, verify=False, timeout=timeout)
        return r.content
    headers = {}
    timeout = 5
    return threads.deferToThread(lambda: sendUrl(url, timeout, headers))
DrMichael commented 1 year ago

https://app.box.com/s/9qi9mm9pek787cu6c73rgus9ec5sqbcy That's the code used in MediaPortal. You can reuse it in FritzCall just give proper credits.

Not available any more...

dhwz commented 1 year ago

@DrMichael https://app.box.com/s/cbesu2e3qme402zf5v4y6p212gsgvyu2

DrMichael commented 1 year ago


I guess, I need help... (Perhaps I am blind). I replaced getPage with one using deferToThread. That is working fine, except in FritzConnection.py I cannot get it working.

I replaced getPage in FritzConnection.py and changed the results to get the content from the response. But I get an 500 internal server error. I think to remember, that I had it in the past already. MIght be an issue with the FritzBox...

Perhaps you have an idea.

Michael https://www.dropbox.com/s/agzkxqsxxmvn2bd/enigma2-plugin-extensions-fritzcall_20230107-rev1632_all.ipk?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/5dyteqqjuzodhih/FritzCall_20230107_rev1632.tar.gz?dl=0

jbleyel commented 1 year ago

You probably mean this: https://github.com/DrMichael/FritzCall/blob/master/src/FritzCallFBF.py#L2560

This is a POST request

Mockup ->

def _getPage(url, params=None, headers=None, cookies=None):
    return deferToThread(requests.post, url, params=params, headers=headers, timeout=30.05)

parms = urlencode({'getpage': '../html/login_sid.xml'})
headers={'Content-Type': "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", 'Content-Length': str(len(parms))},
url = "http://%s/cgi-bin/webcm" % (config.plugins.FritzCall.hostname.value)
self.debug("'" + url + "' parms: '" + parms + "'")

_getPage(url, parms, headers).addCallback(lambda x: self._md5Login(callback, x)).addErrback(lambda x: self._oldLogin(callback, x))
DrMichael commented 1 year ago

Ah, that works, my getPage in __init.py can do both. Everything works except the calls in FritzConnection.py. I get a 500 when executing FritzAction.execute...

I have made a new branch https://github.com/DrMichael/FritzCall/tree/New_getPage to have a look at.

Could it be, because there is a soapaction in the headers?

DrMichael commented 1 year ago

Ok, good hint. The POST did not come through due to coding differences. Now it gets through. But I get back an UPNP error:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" s:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/">
<UPnPError xmlns="urn:schemas-upnp-org:control-1-0">
<errorDescription>Invalid Action</errorDescription>

The action has not changed and looks good: 'urn:dslforum-org:service:DeviceConfig:1#X_AVM-DE_CreateUrlSID'. Probably again something with text vs. binary vs. unicode?

DrMichael commented 1 year ago

Ah, should mention: all testing done so far under OpenATV 7.1 with python 3.10.4

jbleyel commented 1 year ago

Sounds very good. Nice Job!!!

DrMichael commented 1 year ago

Ah, that in the new branch is not yet working... The communication FritzConnection.py is still throwing errors! It would be great, if someone could figure out, why...

jbleyel commented 1 year ago

Can you post the error details and a shot howto reproduce the error?

DrMichael commented 1 year ago

Well, not possible to reproduce without FritzBox... I attached the following:

I could also provide the headers and body of the call, which results in invalid action... FritzConnection.zip

jbleyel commented 1 year ago

I think I cannot help here because I have no Fritzbox

DrMichael commented 1 year ago

So, got it. Phew. Wrong kw parameter for requests.post. Master updated, the other branch will be removed.