DrMoriarty / godot-firebase-analytics

Firebase Analytics plugin for Godot engine
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Firebase analytics not running #12

Closed sandoche closed 2 years ago

sandoche commented 2 years ago


I did the setup following the documentation. When I run the code there is no crash and no error.

When I run:

adb logcat -e FirebaseAnalytics

I don't see anything.

So it looks like it's not running.

I do have this file android/build/google-services.json

In autoload I do have this image

And this is what I have in my first screen image

Do you know what could I've done wrong?

Also I don't see anything in the gradle no reference to firebase at all. I used the GUI to install the package.

sandoche commented 2 years ago

Also I noticed that when I installed the package the console got stuck there not sure it finished the installation:

Checking project dependencies: firebase-core@0.1.1, nativelib-export@0.2.0
Found installed firebase-core@0.1.1
Found installed nativelib-export@0.2.0
Installing firebase-analytics@0.2.2
  Unpack firebase-analytics_0.2.2_all.tgz
sandoche commented 2 years ago

The \android\plugins was empty.

DrMoriarty commented 2 years ago

You should enable Android platform on NativeLib view (in the top) and then reinstall all plugins again.

sandoche commented 2 years ago

@DrMoriarty thanks it did add all the plugins this time but I still don't see anything neither on firebase realtime nor when using this. Basically updated .nativelib and added files in plugin.

adb logcat -e FirebaseAnalytics

I did activate the Verbose Stdout before running it in my device.

sandoche commented 2 years ago

The "NativeLib export plugin" was disabled, will try again after activating.

sandoche commented 2 years ago

It didn't help unfortunately :(

sandoche commented 2 years ago

The plugin was not activated in the export settings. Maybe it would be nice to add it to the documentation. I discovered that reading other solved issues.

sandoche commented 2 years ago

Doing some progress but still not right, here are the results of adb logcat -e FirebaseAnalytics

10-15 18:31:09.023  1543  1543 I GodotPluginRegistry: Initializing Godot plugin FirebaseAnalytics
10-15 18:31:09.024  1543  1543 I GodotPluginRegistry: Completed initialization for Godot plugin FirebaseAnalytics
10-15 18:31:09.404  1543  1603 I godot   : FirebaseAnalytics plugin inited!

I don't see any log about the screen event I am sending. And nothing in firebase console.

sandoche commented 2 years ago

Actually I also did this adb logcat -e google_app_id to see if I had the same as https://github.com/DrMoriarty/godot-firebase-analytics/issues/7 And I do. I get

10-15 18:31:22.005  1543  1580 E FA      : Missing google_app_id. Firebase Analytics disabled. See https://goo.gl/NAOOOI

Will keep you updated.

sandoche commented 2 years ago

It worked after following this: https://goo.gl/NAOOOI

I will try to document this.

sandoche commented 2 years ago

Here is my guide: https://gist.github.com/sandoche/0109849ef96c87bba8f436c58d342039