DrMoriarty / godot-firebase-analytics

Firebase Analytics plugin for Godot engine
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malloc ERROR + 1504 Warnings #17

Open SnailRabbids opened 2 years ago

SnailRabbids commented 2 years ago

@DrMoriarty Hi, I have 1504 issues if firebase-analytics IOS plugin is enabled (same for "RateMe" plugin). Do you have some ideas, why it happens? I have 0 warnings w/o them. Mb I have to update something? Will be very grateful for any help :) image

Godot v3.4.4.stable Plugin was installed from NativeLib and works as expected. The problem is in 1500 warnings only.

SnailRabbids commented 2 years ago

@DrMoriarty important! I've noticed another problem, closing app cause a malloc error. (double click Home button -> application closes -> error) Weird is, that clossing hiden application dont case an error. (click "Home" button -> application hides -> double click home button -> swipe application -> application closes) image image

ayhanasker commented 2 years ago

I have the same problem in my game. Did you find a solution?

einitialize FirebaseAnalytics dyld4 config: DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/system/introspection DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES=/Developer/usr/lib/libBacktraceRecording.dylib:/Developer/usr/lib/libMainThreadChecker.dylib:/Developer/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DTDDISupport.framework/libViewDebuggerSupport.dylib:/Developer/Library/PrivateFrameworks/GPUTools.framework/libglInterpose.dylib malloc: error for object 0x283de2490: pointer being freed was not malloc: set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug

SnailRabbids commented 2 years ago

@ayhanasker No, I didnt. But I've found another plugin and it works fine: https://github.com/funseek/godot-ios-firebase-analytics

ayhanasker commented 2 years ago

thank you. But I guess this module is not suitable for stable versions. I am using godot 3.4.2.stable version.

SnailRabbids commented 2 years ago

@ayhanasker I'm using the last version and it works for me :)