DrMoriarty / godot-tapdaq

Tapdaq plugin for Godot engine.
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Zone ID when loading and showing rewarded video ads #4

Open Octowyth opened 3 years ago

Octowyth commented 3 years ago


Thank you so much for creating this plugin, I've implement it and the SDK installation is successful however when trying to load rewarded ads and show it I got nothing even though the setup in my tapdaq dashboard is correct and the loadRewardedVideo function is called

could you please advise what need to be passed in zone for default placement ? I've try to put "Default", "default", my tapdaq appID and also clientID but nothing works



DrMoriarty commented 3 years ago

You should use one of custom placement tags: Снимок экрана 2021-04-09 в 16 54 05

I didn't tested with default placement because I don't use it. But I can make plugin to use default placement if user provided empty string as zone id.

Octowyth commented 3 years ago

Hi Thanks for your quick reply

I've update with my custom placement image

load the rewarded video : image

try to show the rewarded video after a while : image

create an object for the callbacks : image

but still I can't get my placement status to be implemented, even that the loadRewardedVideo for Tapdaq singleton is being called


DrMoriarty commented 3 years ago

Could you show me the app debug output (use logcat or AndroidStudio) If network can not find suitable ad it will show a message about this.

Octowyth commented 3 years ago


after checking the logcat seems like I load the ads before this process successfully done ru.mobilap.tapdaq.Tapdaq: Tapdaq inited

put more delays and call the loadRewardedAds works now

thanks you so much :)