One DirectX 9 logger used it:
pDev->GetTexture(0, &BTEX);
Found = false;
for (UINT i = 0; i < BASETEX.size(); i++)
Found = true;
if (Found == false)
if (BASETEX[iBaseTex] == (DWORD)BTEX && Green)
if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_NUMPAD5) & GetAsyncKeyState(VK_ADD))
if (iBaseTex < BASETEX.size() - 1)iBaseTex++;
It looks for a lot of different textures. You can add for ur DX11 WallHack maybe its help in the search for textures.
Hi. Thanks for ur WallHack. Sorry for my bad english.
but for RainbowSix Siege i dont have all stride.
only it: Stride == 0 && IndexCount == 960 && indesc.ByteWidth == 52428800 && vedesc.ByteWidth == 96 Stride == 24 && IndexCount == 6 && indesc.ByteWidth == 12 && vedesc.ByteWidth == 96
One DirectX 9 logger used it: pDev->GetTexture(0, &BTEX); Found = false; for (UINT i = 0; i < BASETEX.size(); i++) if (BASETEX[i] == (DWORD)BTEX) Found = true; if (Found == false) BASETEX.push_back ((DWORD)BTEX); if (BASETEX[iBaseTex] == (DWORD)BTEX && Green)
if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_NUMPAD5) & GetAsyncKeyState(VK_ADD)) if (iBaseTex < BASETEX.size() - 1)iBaseTex++;
It looks for a lot of different textures. You can add for ur DX11 WallHack maybe its help in the search for textures.