DrOmega9834 / Asphalt9

Asphalt 9 Scripts
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Happy New Year! #37

Open xulei4019 opened 4 years ago

xulei4019 commented 4 years ago


xulei4019 commented 4 years ago


1、更新play2340.js 2、在main.js中修改几项配置: // 寻车任务间隔,单位为分钟,此处为每100分钟进入寻车 var interval = 100;

// 寻车按钮在每日赛事中的位置,从0开始计数,0=特别赛事寻车 var position = 2; 此处需要注意的是,每天早上0800会更新每日赛事,寻车按钮的位置会改变,导致工作不正常。

// 选取上次用车上面/下面 // 由于寻车赛事一般都是2票跑一次,所以每次寻车会运行5次,请选择能够自动拿到奖励,并且是5个油的车, // 在运行脚本之前请确认:1、最后一次寻车用的必须是这辆车,2、此车满油。3、如果该车在下方,请选择up=0 var up = 0;

3、打开寻车开关: 前置or/and定期执行

// 前置寻车开关,如果运行脚本时想先跑一轮寻车,请把0改成1 if (0) {

// 寻车开关,如果想定时跑寻车,请把0改成1 if(0) {

4、自己测试过一晚没有问题 😸

nujabse commented 4 years ago

感谢 @xulei4019 的辛勤付出!但是我按照你的步骤操作了之后, 更新了一下 play.js 文件,修改了 profile2340, 现在能进寻车的界面,但是就是死活不点击开始比赛按钮

xulei4019 commented 4 years ago

感谢 @xulei4019 的辛勤付出!但是我按照你的步骤操作了之后, 更新了一下 play.js 文件,修改了 profile2340, 现在能进寻车的界面,但是就是死活不点击开始比赛按钮


nujabse commented 4 years ago

今天测试了一下,能够用了,感谢 @xulei4019

nujabse commented 4 years ago

@xulei4019 请问寻车脚本能与多人比赛一起运行吗?发现当同时开启寻车和多人比赛脚本的时候,有时会出现寻车倒计时 100 分钟已经过了,但是一直没返回到寻车界面开始寻车的情况,会一直卡在多人赛事进入-->多人赛事退出-->多人赛事进入的死循环里。看 log 显示的是倒计时已经是负数了

xulei4019 commented 4 years ago

@xulei4019 请问寻车脚本能与多人比赛一起运行吗?发现当同时开启寻车和多人比赛脚本的时候,有时会出现寻车倒计时 100 分钟已经过了,但是一直没返回到寻车界面开始寻车的情况,会一直卡在多人赛事进入-->多人赛事退出-->多人赛事进入的死循环里。看 log 显示的是倒计时已经是负数了


// 寻车开关,如果想定时跑寻车,请把0改成1 if(0) {

autojs的log截图如下 -3feac31792bab9aa

xulei4019 commented 4 years ago


dev11111 commented 4 years ago

Hello Xulei,

1)I have made the changes, but when var position = 4 it moves to lotus riot, if var position = 5 it moves to rezvani event. It some how skips jaguar f type hunt.

Update : After honda civic event ended. It runs properly , but it behaves abnormal when there are unclaimed rewards IMG_20200210_124602

2) some times I get server error 3 and script stops and won't move forward. I have to manually close it to start moving again. Some times whole night gets stuck there. Can u add auto close for this error 3 pop up?

3) Do you run this on cloud phone (redfinger) or real device?

dev11111 commented 4 years ago

Hi, Today I try to run profile1920 but I get error type : redeclaration of const device ( #88 ) Device Lenovo k4 note

DrOmega9834 commented 4 years ago

Hi, Today I try to run profile1920 but I get error type : redeclaration of const device ( #88 ) Device Lenovo k4 note

Wrong edition of Auto.js. We suggest you use Auto.js 4.0.4 Alpha 6

xulei4019 commented 4 years ago

Hello Xulei,

1)I have made the changes, but when var position = 4 it moves to lotus riot, if var position = 5 it moves to rezvani event. It some how skips jaguar f type hunt.

Update : After honda civic event ended. It runs properly , but it behaves abnormal when there are unclaimed rewards IMG_20200210_124602


  1. some times I get server error 3 and script stops and won't move forward. I have to manually close it to start moving again. Some times whole night gets stuck there. Can u add auto close for this error 3 pop up?


  1. Do you run this on cloud phone (redfinger) or real device?


xulei4019 commented 4 years ago

Hello Xulei,

1)I have made the changes, but when var position = 4 it moves to lotus riot, if var position = 5 it moves to rezvani event. It some how skips jaguar f type hunt.

Update : After honda civic event ended. It runs properly , but it behaves abnormal when there are unclaimed rewards IMG_20200210_124602

  1. some times I get server error 3 and script stops and won't move forward. I have to manually close it to start moving again. Some times whole night gets stuck there. Can u add auto close for this error 3 pop up?
  2. Do you run this on cloud phone (redfinger) or real device?


dev11111 commented 4 years ago

Hi, Today I tried using this script on cloud mobile (redfinger ) but it's not working. Cloud mobile is rooted and runs on Android 6 . I get the toast message " 安卓版本在安卓7以下需要root,程序结束 " the script won't run.

dev11111 commented 4 years ago

Hi , Is it possible add map detection, route detection and nitro management ?

xulei4019 commented 4 years ago

Hi , Is it possible add map detection, route detection and nitro management ?


now163 commented 4 years ago

好可惜,看到你的脚本后才玩的跑车。。 车还没几辆,大佬就要退坑了。。。

dev11111 commented 4 years ago


1)Today I wanted try car hunt but unfortunately its not working for me. -I updated script

// Car search switch, if you want to run the car regularly, please change 0 to 1 if (1) {

They script runs car hunt 1st time and then later switch to multiplayer but after 100 minutes it wont switch to car hunt but instead it starts looping. Looping between multi-player start > multi-player default.

2)I had requested to add map and route detection and nitro management earlier,please do add these because its really hard to make points in multi-player, I hardly made 100 points and 200k credits after running it for 4-5 hrs.

I have seen bots with map, route and nitro management in multi-player they come 4th place our bot comes 7th or 8th place. Those bots jump ramps and shockwave when knocked out.

I know brother xulei said interest is declining which is true but if you get time please do consider my above request.


xulei4019 commented 4 years ago


1)Today I wanted try car hunt but unfortunately its not working for me. -I updated script

  • I did below setting // Front car search switch, if you want to run a round of car search first when running the script, please change 0 to 1 if (1) {

// Car search switch, if you want to run the car regularly, please change 0 to 1 if (1) {

They script runs car hunt 1st time and then later switch to multiplayer but after 100 minutes it wont switch to car hunt but instead it starts looping. Looping between multi-player start > multi-player default.

2)I had requested to add map and route detection and nitro management earlier,please do add these because its really hard to make points in multi-player, I hardly made 100 points and 200k credits after running it for 4-5 hrs.

I have seen bots with map, route and nitro management in multi-player they come 4th place our bot comes 7th or 8th place. Those bots jump ramps and shockwave when knocked out.

I know brother xulei said interest is declining which is true but if you get time please do consider my above request.


1)就目前您提供的信息,我无法判断问题出在哪里。 2)应该不会做这些扩展功能了,而且根据我的观察和判断,多人的成绩主要还是取决于车库的质量。 个人认为: 车辆:运气:路线 50%:40%:10% 我即使手打成绩也没有比脚本好多少,好吧我很菜 😔

dev11111 commented 4 years ago

Hello ,

Kindly update script for new multiplayer interface. Thanks.