Closed SharonZhu closed 6 years ago
where does that occur exactly? more information would be helpful
I just met the similar problem. It occurs when I change to use my own dataset, which I have already processed following the instruction. The error is : (there are 47 categories in my new dataset) UnknownError (see above for traceback): exceptions.IndexError: list index out of range [[Node: PyFunc_1 = PyFunc[Tin=[DT_UINT8, DT_INT32, DT_INT32], Tout=[DT_UINT8], token="pyfunc_1", _device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/cpu:0"](create_inputs/batch:1, PyFunc_1/input_1, PyFunc_1/input_2)]]
Here is the setting: IMG_MEAN = np.array((225.0, 225.0, 225.0), dtype=np.float32) BATCH_SIZE = 10 DATA_DIRECTORY = '/import/data/Segmentation/train/image/' DATA_LIST_PATH = './dataset/train_cartoon.txt' IGNORE_LABEL = 255 INPUT_SIZE = '750,750' LEARNING_RATE = 2.5e-4 MOMENTUM = 0.9 NUM_CLASSES = 47 NUM_STEPS = 20001 POWER = 0.9 RANDOM_SEED = 1234 RESTORE_FROM = './checkpoints/deeplab_resnet.ckpt' SAVE_NUM_IMAGES = 2 SAVE_PRED_EVERY = 1000 SNAPSHOT_DIR = './snapshots/' WEIGHT_DECAY = 0.0005
Do you have any idea about this problem? Thank you for your potential help!
I just met the similar problem. I think it's occur when using different num of class dataset.. I'm using 32 categories in my dataset. I suspect there is a problem with importing the pre-trained model(resnet-101), like here( at 6, but I do not know how to solve it.
Could you help me? And Thank you shared code :) @DrSleep
Oh! I solved it! @SharonZhu @yuchuochuo1023
I was wrongly predicting.
The pre-trained model(resnet-101) is not problem The model does not include the fc layer.
In the error log.. included
File "/root/tensorflow-deeplab-v3-master/", line 181, in deeplabv3_model_fn
[labels, params['batch_size'], params['num_classes']], tf.uint8)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/ops/", line 212, in py_funcinput=inp, token=token, Tout=Tout, name=name)
So, the session that in
gt_decoded_labels = tf.py_func(preprocessing.decode_labels, [labels, params['batch_size'], params['num_classes']], tf.uint8)
and function _[decodelabels] at
for i in range(num_images):
img ='RGB', (len(mask[i, 0]), len(mask[i])))
pixels = img.load()
for j_, j in enumerate(mask[i, :, :, 0]):
for k_, k in enumerate(j):
if k < num_classes: <<<<<< Here is problem!!!
pixels[k_, j_] = label_colours[k]
outputs[i] = np.array(img)
In conclusion, You can modify the [label colur] list in to learn the other class numbers.
which is written in README, if you read it carefully:
When I started to run, an error occurred: UnknownError (see above for traceback): IndexError: list index out of range [[Node: PyFunc_1 = PyFunc[Tin=[DT_UINT8, DT_INT32, DT_INT32], Tout=[DT_UINT8], token="pyfunc_1", _device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/cpu:0"](create_inputs/batch:1, PyFunc_1/input_1, PyFunc_1/input_2)]]
It seemed that the py_func used in summary part has some problems. Could someone help me handle it? Thanks a lot.