DrSleep / tensorflow-deeplab-resnet

DeepLab-ResNet rebuilt in TensorFlow
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Does the mIoU include the the background? #47

Closed fanq15 closed 7 years ago

fanq15 commented 7 years ago

I wonder when calculate the mIoU if it includes the background? Does it calculate the 21-class IoU including the background and then get the mean? Or Does it calculate the 20-class IoU excluding the background? I have check the VOC 2012 dev toolkit, it seems like it include the background. But I am no sure. Could you please help me figure it out?

DrSleep commented 7 years ago

It is calculated including backgroud. See, for example, the result from the evaluation server: http://host.robots.ox.ac.uk/anonymous/FIQPRH.html