DrSwad / FastOlympicCodingHook

Problem test-case parser for sublime text from various online judges. Depends on Competitive Companion and FastOlympicCoding.
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The latest build no longer works in Sublime 4 #11

Open silentwings2004 opened 9 months ago

silentwings2004 commented 9 months ago

Package control upgraded to 4.0 in sublime, and meanwhile the latest build of FastOlympicCodingHook no longer parsed the test cases. Had to revert to the older version and immediately worked again. Please help revert to the old build (without the change for the latest one contributed by the other person), so it won't auto upgraded to the "bad version" again.

By the way, here is the working version that I revered to and proved to be working:

import sublime import sublime_plugin from http.server import BaseHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPServer import json import _thread import threading import platform

def MakeHandlerClassFromFilename(filename): class HandleRequests(BaseHTTPRequestHandler): def do_POST(self): try: content_length = int(self.headers['Content-Length']) body = self.rfile.read(content_length) tests = json.loads(body.decode('utf8')) tests = tests["tests"] ntests = [] for test in tests: ntest = { "test": test["input"], "correct_answers": [test["output"].strip()] } ntests.append(ntest) nfilename = filename + ":tests" if platform.system() == "Windows": nfilename = filename + "__tests" print(nfilename) with open(nfilename, "w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(ntests)) except Exception as e: print("Error handling POST - " + str(e)) threading.Thread(target=self.server.shutdown, daemon=True).start() return HandleRequests

class CompetitiveCompanionServer: def startServer(filename): host = 'localhost' port = 12345 HandlerClass = MakeHandlerClassFromFilename(filename) httpd = HTTPServer((host, port), HandlerClass) httpd.serve_forever() print("Server has been shutdown")

class FastOlympicCodingHookCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand): def run(self, edit): try: _thread.start_new_thread(CompetitiveCompanionServer.startServer, (self.view.file_name(),)) except Exception as e: print("Error: unable to start thread - " + str(e))

DrSwad commented 8 months ago

I don't really use Sublime Text anymore, so unfortunately I can't help. But I welcome any pull requests addressing the issue and am open to merging them.