DrTimothyAldenDavis / GraphBLAS

SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS: graph algorithms in the language of linear algebra. For production: (default) STABLE branch. Code development: ask me for the right branch before submitting a PR. video intro: https://youtu.be/Tj5y6d7FegI .
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Adding cuda select_bitmap + enhancements to existing cuda kernels #310

Closed VidithM closed 2 weeks ago

VidithM commented 2 weeks ago
VidithM commented 2 weeks ago

One important note: I don't think the current structure of CUDA/template/GB_cuda_shfl_down.cuh is right: it includes both the shfl_down methods for a uint64 as well as an arbitrary Z_TYPE. However, the Z_TYPE methods are only relevant/usable for reduce family JIT kernels (for example, the GB_ADD macro is undefined for other families that need shfl_down, such as select). If the entire file is included outside of the usable context (i.e. in a select kernel), the JIT kernel will not compile.

I suggest that the integer shfl_down functions are in a separate file from the Z_TYPE shfl_downs. Right now, I am working around this in the select_bitmap kernel by simply pasting in the uint64 shfl_down manually.

DrTimothyAldenDavis commented 2 weeks ago

That's a good idea. I will split the file

DrTimothyAldenDavis commented 2 weeks ago

I've split the shfl_down methods into 2 files.