DrTobe / bonglang

Programming language that makes heavy use of pipes/bongs.
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v1.0.0 features #21

Open DrTobe opened 4 years ago

DrTobe commented 4 years ago

What will be the features we want to provide for Bonglang Version 1.0.0?

Current consent seems to be:

There will definitely be things that can just not be done with this feature set, e.g. Inversion of Control or Dependency Injection patterns can most probably not be achieved.

DrTobe commented 4 years ago

Okay, we leave tagged unions out for the beginning. Enums can be simulated with integers for the beginning; unions are, in many programming problems, not required.

DrTobe commented 4 years ago

That being said, we have all v1.0.0 features implemented. Now, let's fix the known bugs and we are good to go.