DrVrej / VJ-Base

An addon for Garry's mod that contains bunch of bases to make many different types of addons.
88 stars 38 forks source link

bug report & suggestions #28

Closed Combine900 closed 3 years ago

Combine900 commented 3 years ago

Tested with a clean garrysmod

Mode: SP & MP = Singleplayer, Multiplayer Mods: Nothing Map: dev_sdk_gmod Cheats: On Activated contents: CSS, DOD, HL2, HL2 DM, HL2 EP1, HL2 EP2, HL2 LC, TF2

Possible fixes https://wiki.facepunch.com/gmod/Global.PrecacheParticleSystem roguex100 https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198041335484/myworkshopfiles?appid=4000 Silverlans npc tools https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=104486597

Precache your particle systems correctly, too many to list. Attemped to precache unknown particle system "antlion_gib_01" "vj_rifle_smoke", "vj_bms_turret_muzzle_smoke" etc...

-Following weapons doesnt drop any shells, even if "Disable Bullet shells" is not checked. weapon_vj_9mmpistol, weapon_vj_glock17, weapon_vj_mp40, weapon_vj_smg1, weapon_vj_spas12

Update npc translation for this weapons that metropolice & combine solders can use it. (roguex100 made a almost perfect ai weapon translation) weapon_vj_357, weapon_vj_9mmpistol, weapon_vj_flaregun, weapon_vj_glock17, weapon_vj_m16a1, weapon_vj_rpg, weapon_vj_spas12, "VJ_SSG-08" "VJ_crowbar"


DrVrej commented 3 years ago

In order:


AKLFR commented 3 years ago

Hello, I noticed that the NPCs precisely: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=221942657 have a problem, the bodies of the destroyed NPCs do not disappear despite the configuration indicated.

DrVrej commented 3 years ago

Hello, I noticed that the NPCs precisely: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=221942657 have a problem, the bodies of the destroyed NPCs do not disappear despite the configuration indicated.

You are posting this on the wrong ticket, but to answer your question: This isn't a bug, you either have a conflicting mod or you are trying to use the menu on a dedicated server.

Crazygibus commented 3 years ago

what is the version of vj base that supports gmod 14?

Crazygibus commented 3 years ago

I downloaded Half Life Resurgence

ghost commented 3 years ago

Suggestion: Arctic's Customizable Weapons (weapon base) compatibility. basically, compatibility with arccw.

DrVrej commented 3 years ago

The last remaining feature from the suggestion list has been added and will be included in the next VJ Base update 👍 The be exact, the feature adds a unique weapon selection specifically for VJ NPC weapons only, this selection will be included under the VJ Base spawn menu.