Closed Combine900 closed 3 years ago
In order:
Hello, I noticed that the NPCs precisely: have a problem, the bodies of the destroyed NPCs do not disappear despite the configuration indicated.
Hello, I noticed that the NPCs precisely: have a problem, the bodies of the destroyed NPCs do not disappear despite the configuration indicated.
You are posting this on the wrong ticket, but to answer your question: This isn't a bug, you either have a conflicting mod or you are trying to use the menu on a dedicated server.
what is the version of vj base that supports gmod 14?
I downloaded Half Life Resurgence
Suggestion: Arctic's Customizable Weapons (weapon base) compatibility. basically, compatibility with arccw.
The last remaining feature from the suggestion list has been added and will be included in the next VJ Base update 👍 The be exact, the feature adds a unique weapon selection specifically for VJ NPC weapons only, this selection will be included under the VJ Base spawn menu.
Tested with a clean garrysmod
Mode: SP & MP = Singleplayer, Multiplayer Mods: Nothing Map: dev_sdk_gmod Cheats: On Activated contents: CSS, DOD, HL2, HL2 DM, HL2 EP1, HL2 EP2, HL2 LC, TF2
Possible fixes roguex100 Silverlans npc tools
Precache your particle systems correctly, too many to list. Attemped to precache unknown particle system "antlion_gib_01" "vj_rifle_smoke", "vj_bms_turret_muzzle_smoke" etc...
-Following weapons doesnt drop any shells, even if "Disable Bullet shells" is not checked. weapon_vj_9mmpistol, weapon_vj_glock17, weapon_vj_mp40, weapon_vj_smg1, weapon_vj_spas12
Update npc translation for this weapons that metropolice & combine solders can use it. (roguex100 made a almost perfect ai weapon translation) weapon_vj_357, weapon_vj_9mmpistol, weapon_vj_flaregun, weapon_vj_glock17, weapon_vj_m16a1, weapon_vj_rpg, weapon_vj_spas12, "VJ_SSG-08" "VJ_crowbar"