Draco-lang / Language-suggestions

Collecting ideas for a new .NET language that could replace C#
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Deciding new language name #81

Closed Binto86 closed 2 years ago

Binto86 commented 2 years ago

Because the name Fresh is not really original, we decided that we will be voting new name for the language. This vote is not going to 100% decide what the name is going to be, it will just show us what people think about different names. In few next comments i will write the names that were proposed, if you like the name give it thumbs up(👍) if you really dislike some name give it thumbs down(👎), you can vote for as many names as you want. If you have idea on good name for the language please leave a comment with the proposed name. Please don't write random comments, so we don't spam this issue.

Binto86 commented 2 years ago


Binto86 commented 2 years ago

Spark - sory it looks like there is a programming language with this name already, this name is therefore not going to be chosen

Binto86 commented 2 years ago


Binto86 commented 2 years ago


Binto86 commented 2 years ago


Binto86 commented 2 years ago


Binto86 commented 2 years ago


Binto86 commented 2 years ago


Binto86 commented 2 years ago


LPeter1997 commented 2 years ago


LPeter1997 commented 2 years ago


nonamescm commented 2 years ago


rikashore commented 2 years ago

Aranea (Latin for spider, indirectly correlated to web -> network -> dotnet)

rikashore commented 2 years ago

Facilis (Latin for easy, correlates to the easy to grasp nature of the language)

Kuinox commented 2 years ago

Fresh (measuring how much people want to change or keep it)

Kuinox commented 2 years ago


LPeter1997 commented 2 years ago

Thank you so much for @jakubbinter for organizing the voting and coming up with the new name! Also, thank you everyone else who voted or suggested a name.