DracoYan-111 / damai_grab_votes

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启动失败- The requested resource could not be found #20

Open GJson opened 3 months ago

GJson commented 3 months ago

The requested resource could not be found, or a request was received using an HTTP method that is not supported by the mapped resource image image

GJson commented 3 months ago

appium两个IP都试了 ,手机和电脑也在同一个WiFi,依然不行

DracoYan-111 commented 3 months ago


GJson commented 3 months ago

appium两个IP都试了 ,手机和电脑也在同一个WiFi,依然不行

EML-AL00 10 (SDK 29)

DracoYan-111 commented 3 months ago

参考一下: https://discuss.appium.io/t/the-requested-resource-could-not-be-found-or-a-request-was-received-using-an-http-method-that-is-not-supported-by-the-mapped-resource-error/40141/12