Draconic-Inc / Draconic-Evolution

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[1.16] Energy crystals are unbreakable #1672

Closed Travis9x closed 1 year ago

Travis9x commented 1 year ago

Base information

Description / steps to reproduce

Unsure when the bug was introduced, but it couldn't have been that long ago, since I recently upgraded several of the relay crystals in my energy network from Wyvern to Draconic. But when I went back to finish upgrading the remaining Wyvern relay crystals, I found that ALL DE energy crystals (of any type, not just the relays) are completely unbreakable. No tool can break/harvest them, and not "open hand" either. I even tried hitting them with the Crystal Binder, having run out of other ideas.

brandon3055 commented 1 year ago

It seems I forgot to set the required tool for the crystals. This means they can be harvested with any tool or no tool. However due to their hardness value, it takes a while to harvest them with vanilla tools, About 8 seconds with a diamond pickaxe. DE pickaxes can still harvest them at "normal" speeds which is probably why I never noticed the issue.

If they simply wont break no matter how long you mine them then its possible a mod in your pack is modifying the standard harvest logic and treating "no tool" as "indestructable"