DraftBot-A-Discord-Adventure / Events

Events for a Discord adventure bot that speak english and french
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The "Fae" #280

Closed leuhvraiminoryo closed 1 year ago

leuhvraiminoryo commented 1 year ago

Discussed in https://github.com/DraftBot-A-Discord-Adventure/Events/discussions/279

Originally posted by **Mina191** June 4, 2023 You are wandering through a forest, when suddendly a beautiful woman runs toward you; she has long hair, the colour of sea-foam, and is dressed in a flowing silver gown, with the corset embellished by tiny sapphires. Moreover, she's holding a staff made of hawthorne in her right hand. Her appearance makes you think of a what a fairy would look like, both wild and dazzling, if such creatures truly existed. And it makes you weary, as well, but the stranger kindly smiles at you and introduces herself as Donia. She claims to be a fae, as you previously thought, and - although you don't believe her, thinking it might be a scam of some sort - you prefer to keep silent on the matter (that staff looks pretty dangerous, after all). Oblivious to your thoughts, Donia offers you her blessings, thinking it might be useful in your path toward the princess. You: - accept her offer: you feel like you're partecipating to a knighthood ceremony, since Donia puts the end of the staff on both your shoulders to give you her blessings. Either way, you don't feel that much different from before. - refuse, risking her ire: you frown, telling her that fae don't really exist and she's just delusional. Enraged, Donia starts beating you up with her staff, leaving you wounded on the ground. - try to find a compromise with the woman: she's a bit disappointed, but offers you a red rose as a gift for the princess; you'll get back on your way, also disappointed to have received just a single flower.
symsym-1629 commented 1 year ago

It's good for me, especially the time loss on "Do nothing". Maybe you could add a money loss for the blessing

LeHoublonPensant commented 1 year ago

I like this event, I valid. But maybe you can add a possibility to "do nothing", and possibly to "Try to find a compromise with the woman" ?

Mina191 commented 1 year ago

Did you find the newer version, in the meantime?

LeHoublonPensant commented 1 year ago

No sorry. I can't find the most recent version. Isn't the md in Events/markdown/en/280.md ?

leuhvraiminoryo commented 1 year ago

ye it is

LeHoublonPensant commented 1 year ago

This version is the latest ?

🧚‍♀️ As you are wandering through the Oldster's Forest, a beautiful woman runs toward you; she has long hair, the colour of sea-foam, and is dressed in a flowing silver gown, with the corset embellished by tiny sapphires. Moreover, she's holding a staff made of hawthorne in her right hand. Her appearance makes you think of a what a fairy would look like, both wild and dazzling, if such creatures truly existed. And it makes you weary, as well, but the stranger kindly smiles at you and introduces herself as Donia. She claims to be a fae, as you previously thought, and - although you don't believe her, thinking it might be a scam of some sort - you prefer to keep silent on the matter, for her staff looks pretty dangerous to you. Oblivious to your thoughts, Donia offers you her blessings, thinking it might be useful in your path toward the princess.

👍 Accept her offer 👿 Refuse, risking her ire 🤝 Try to find a compromise with the woman

👍 You feel like you're participating in a knighthood ceremony, since Donia puts the end of the staff on both your shoulders - first on the left one, then on the right - to give you her blessings. Either way, you don't feel that much different from before. (nothing)

👍 You feel empowered by her blessing, but the effect soon disappears after Donia leaves you alone in the forest. You try to find her and ask for some kind of compensation, but are unable to locate her. You leave, annoyed to have been fooled, and swearing to yourself you're not going to fall for her tricks again, should you meet Donia on your path in some different place. (nothing)

👍 As soon as Donia uses her blessing on you, she also throw some strange blue powder in your face. You get drowsy and she helps you to walk to one of the nearest trees, where you fall asleep. You dream of being in the royal palace, during a social event. You see the princess approaching you, with her face hidden by a dark veil, since you are actually oblivious to her physical appearance. You spend the rest of the dream dancing with her. When you wake up again you are still in the forest, some hours have passed and you feel better after having rested. (-2h, + 30 hp)

👿 You frown, telling her that fae don't really exist and she's just delusional. Enraged, Donia starts beating you up with her staff, leaving you wounded on the ground. (-25hp, 🤕)

👿 You try to be as reasonable as possible to convince Donia that fairies exist only in tales for children, but fail to convince her. Instead, to prove you wrong, Donia takes a small pouch, previously hanging on her waist, opens it and blows a red powder towards you. You can't avoid it and end up breathing the powder; feeling like you are in a dream, you don't argue when Donia takes your hand in hers and follow gladly as she guides you toward a glade. There, in your hallucinated state, you see little fairies flying around. But, in reality, those are wasps. Considering you a threat, they sting you multiple times. You are poisoned and need some time to get better. (-10 hp, 🤢)

🤝 She's a bit disappointed, but offers you a red rose as a gift for the princess. You get back on your way, also disappointed to have received just a single, measly flower. (nothing)

🤝 Instead of a blessing, you ask her if she knows of a place where you can rest for a couple of hours, before getting back on your way. Donia brings you to her house, where she also offers you some food and wine. The latter is particularly good and you end up emptying the whole bottle, barely able to reach the bed before falling asleep. While sleeping, you have a nightmare: you see Donia as a creepy old woman, who plans to kill you and later cook your body in her oven. Waking up, you feel both scared and confused, and run away from her house as fast as you are able. (-1h45min)


👁️ As you silently stare at her for a few minutes, Donia seemingly loses interest in you, and leaves without adding anything. But you are still staring at the same place. Without even a thought. It is only a couple of hours later that you come back to your senses, and continue on with your journey, as if nothing happened. (-2h10min)

leuhvraiminoryo commented 1 year ago

faudrait la validation de quelques autres rédacs, puis on modifie ce qu'ils suggèrent, et enfin trad en fr + création du json

BastLast commented 1 year ago

Ajouté dans le bot via https://github.com/DraftBot-A-Discord-Adventure/DraftBot/issues/2115